Releases: paukstelis/OctoPrint-LatheEngraver
include API callback confirmation
Ran into a race condition in which the JS start_print_job was being executed before the variables from the API call were set. Just add verification of API call before running start_print_job
Fixing mistakes.
Remove all probing and framing references. Take ALL critical variable changes out of Events hook. Cancel/Done/Fail was getting called right after the start of some jobs for no apparent reason.
Set Depth to N/A if no depth limit set.
Fix RTCM sometimes being false when it should be true.
Add new information to control panel
Minor fix for laser-mode that would lead to depth tracking turning off.
Add "Ignore Z-depth mod" to run options. This ignores DOMODA command that creates flat bottoms on pockets. Useful in combination with Z-depth limit for removing most of a pewa after cutting pocket and installing.
Tweaks to RTCM. Ran into a case when RTCM should have been activated but was not (possibly from end/start gcodes?). These changes will set RTCM in queuing and sending phases just to be sure.