Solidity test generator is a tool that generates Truffle compatible JavaScript tests for a smart contract written in Solidity language. This tool is a PoC and is not reliable with large scale smart contracts.
- Mythril Classic with test input generation module:
Solidity compilator (solc), recommended version: 0.4.25
NodeJS & npm
npm install -g node-gyp
- Python 2.7, on Windows can be installed by running this command:
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
- Install dependencies after cloning this repo:
npm install
Add Myth and solc to environment variables
Ubuntu 18.0.4 (also works on WSL)
Truffle 4:
npm install -g truffle@4
- Add truffle-assertions to your Truffle project:
npm install truffle-assertions
- If you want to check the code coverage, add solidity-coverage to your Truffle project (
npm install --save-dev solidity-coverage
You can run solidity-coverage by running this command:
- Run Mythril Classic on smart contract and place generated txs.json file to data folder:
./myth -v 4 -xo jsonv2 <PATH_TO_THE_SMART_CONTRACT> -m test_input_generator
- Run Solidity compilator with --abi flag on the same smart contract:
- Run Solidity test generator:
node index
Generated test file is placed in generated-tests directory. You need to manually move this file to your Truffle project. Also, do not forget to install truffle-assertions package. Run the tests:
truffle test
Sometimes generated tests fail so you need to manually review them and fix or comment them out.