Docker makes running easy. The we can push to AWS ECR for EC2 Deploy.
Also look at docer compose to make DEV process easier.
This builds a known version eg'0.0.1' and also a 'latest'
$ docker build . -t com.bragaboo/mer:latest -t com.bragaboo/mer:0.0.1
$ docker run -p 80:80 -d com.bragaboo/mer:0.0.1
$ docker run -p 3000:80 -d com.bragaboo/mer:latest
$ docker run -p 3001:80 -d com.bragaboo/mer:latest
$ docker run -p 3000:80 -d com.bragaboo/mer:latest
$ docker run -p 3001:80 -d com.bragaboo/mer:latest
http://localhost:3000 works! http://localhost:3001 also works!
Flag '-d' runs in detached mode, else need to stop in the Docker app console.
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES a1caab7d4ea0 mer "docker-entrypoint.s…" 8 seconds ago Up 8 seconds>80/tcp frosty_keller
$ docker logs {container id}
$ docker logs a1caab7d4ea0
$ curl -i localhost:80
Or open in browser: ---> http://localhost:80
Copilot allows to build a Docker image, upload to ECR, create a full Loadbalned Cluster and provision services in EC2 Fargate containers. The advantage of Copilot is you can get a full infrastructure created automatically by AWS. You can then keep the infrastucture and deploy updates to image Github (CircleCI, or other CI/CD pipeline tool) into this infrastructure. Or, yo can just destroy the entire infrastructure, and recrete again as needed. This allows a lot of options to get "Best Practice" arctitecture from AWS with minimal effort. YOu can then explore what AWS created and reuse it, or recreate from scratch. Generally the process of proviioning an infrastructure is a one step, followed by subsequent iterations. NOTE: Copilot creates mainfest files (in the copilot folder) which are configurable. Also, in theory you can use Copilot to redeploy a Docker image without rebuilding it using the image.location prop. I remaiin t see how useful Copilot is for redeployments. It is possible that Coplot could be plugged directly to the CI/CD pipeline.
- Use Copilot initial pass to create the manifests
- Can stop/start service fairly quickly:
$ copilot init \
--app mer-app \
--name ppm-service \
--type 'Load Balanced Web Service'
$ copilot env init --name development --region eu-west-1
$ copilot env deploy --name development
$ copilot svc deploy --name ppm-service --env development
NOTE: Copilot autogenerates names for:
- ECS Cluster Name
- ECS Service Name
- 2x Role Names (defined in Task Defn)
So... need to update for CI/CD Pipeline:
- .aws/mer-app-development-ppm-service-task-defn.json
- .github/workflows/aws-ecr.yml )
This BUILDs everything, creates copilot folder with all configuration, and deploys infractructure with image and provisions with URL. (Deploys your container app on AWS App Runner or Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate, complete with a networking stack and roles.)
$ copilot init --app mer-app --name ppm-service --type 'Load Balanced Web Service' --dockerfile './Dockerfile' --port 80 --deploy
Here's a simpler version that builds the copiot manifests and Docker Image, but does not deploy the infrastructure:
$ copilot init \
--app mer-app \
--name ppm-service \
--type 'Load Balanced Web Service'
$ copilot env init
Environment name: development Credential source: Enter temporary credentials AWS Access Key ID: **********ZQ7T AWS Secret Access Key: **********18TE AWS Session Token: Region: eu-west-1
Would you like to use the default configuration for a new environment? - A new VPC with 2 AZs, 2 public subnets and 2 private subnets - A new ECS Cluster - New IAM Roles to manage services and jobs in your environment [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
Yes, use default.
Yes, but I'd like configure the default resources (CIDR ranges, AZs).
No, I'd like to import existing resources (VPC, subnets).
OUTPUT: Wrote the manifest for environment development at copilot/environments/development/manifest.yml
This takes the configurations in your environment manifest (in copilot folder) and deploys your environment infrastructure:
$ copilot env deploy
Define the service (creates manifest in /copilot/{service-name}/manifest.yml):
$ copilot svc init \
--name ppm-service \
--image \
--type 'Load Balanced Web Service' \
--port 80 \
Deploy the service (WITHOUT rebuilding the image): $ copilot svc deploy
This LISTs the infrastructure deployed for the app: $ copilot svc show
Optionally, create local copies of the CloudFormation template(s) used to deploy our service to an environment.
$ copilot svc package --output-dir ./infrastructure
This DESTROYs the infrastructure for the app:
$ copilot app delete
$ copilot svc show
$ copilot svc logs
copilot env package -n development --output-dir ./cf-infrastructure/env/development
copilot svc package -n ppm-service -e development --output-dir ./cf-infrastructure/service