This workflow is needed whenever an upgrade of percona is due, which involves a new upstream release of the backup container.
In order to apply the patch on upstream releases, the most convinient workflow is what follows:
- checkout to origin main
git checkout main
- fetch upstream (if not set
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
- set the TAG_NAME of interest
- rebase tag on origin/main
git rebase <$TAG_NAME>
- resolve any possible conflict keeping the origin version for psi-ci.yaml,, restore.go
- force push to origin main
git push origin main --force-with-lease
- push the tags
git push --tags
In this way the patch commits from origin are applied on top of the release, which results in preserving the upstream history.
At this point, since the image is created and pushed on release, create a release and the corresponding tat. The name of the tag should be $TAG_NAME-patched