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Alexandru Ciobanu edited this page Dec 24, 2021 · 35 revisions

The entirety of the API surface in TZDB is located in the TZDB.pas file. There are few type defined in the unit and it is very easy to get started with.

This page lists the types, their methods and their uses.


Defines four types that a local date/time type can be in.

  • lttStandard

    The local time is in the Standard year period.

  • lttDaylight

    The local time is in the DST year period.

  • lttAmbiguous

    The local time is in DST -> Standard year period.

  • lttInvalid

    The local time is in the Standard -> DST year period.


Record that describes a particular date/time segment within a calendar year. Instances of this record are returned by TBundledTimeZone.GetYearBreakdown method.

property StartsAt: TDateTime;

The date/time value representing the start of the segment (incl. milliseconds).

property EndsAt: TDateTime;

The date/time value representing the end of the segment (incl. milliseconds).

property LocalType: TLocalTimeType;

Indicates the segment's local time type.

property DisplayName: string;

The time zone display name used to describe the segment.

property UtcOffset: TTimeSpan;

Time zone offset (including the DST bias).


An array of TYearSegment which is returned by TBundledTimeZone.GetYearBreakdown method.


Exception thrown when the passed local time is invalid.


Exception type used to signal the caller code that a requested time zone is not present in the bundled database or that its format is invalid.


Exception type used to signal the caller code that date/time year details are not bundled for the given time zone.


constructor Create(const ATimeZoneID: string)

Creates a new instance of this timezone class. ATimeZoneID is the ID of the timezone to use (ex. "Europe/Bucharest"). Raises ETimeZoneInvalid if the specified ID cannot be found in the bundled database.

⚠️It is recommended that GetTimeZone is used instead of this constructor. The instances will be cached and reused in this case.

destructor Destroy; override;

Destroys the current instance.

⚠️Do not call this method if the object was obtained through a call to GetTimeZone.

class function KnownTimeZones(const 
    AIncludeAliases: Boolean = False): TStringDynArray;

Returns a list of known time zones. Set AIncludeAliases to True to include time zone aliases into the list. Returns an array of strings representing the IDs of the known time zones.

class function GetTimeZoneFromAlias(const AAliasID: string): string;

Returns the time zone name for a given alias. The AAlias argument is alias to lookup Returns the name of the time zone. Raises ETimeZoneInvalid if the specified alias cannot be found in the bundled database.

class function GetTimeZone(const ATimeZoneID: string): TBundledTimeZone;

Returns an instance of this time zone class. Argument ATimeZoneID is the ID of the timezone to use (ex. "Europe/Bucharest"). Raises ETimeZoneInvalid if the specified ID cannot be found in the bundled database.

class function Version: string;

Returns the current version of the TZDB component. Example:

class function DbVersion: string;

Returns the current version of the IANA TZDB bundled with this unit. Example: 2019b.

function GetYearBreakdown(const AYear: Word): TYearSegmentArray;

Breaks a given year into components segments. Argument AYear is the year to get data for. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified year is not in the bundled database.

function DaylightTimeStart(const AYear: Word): TDateTime;

Obtains the start date/time of daylight saving period in the local time. Argument AYear is the year to get data for. Returns the requested date/time or 00/00/0000 00:00:00.000 if there's no such period in the given year. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified year is not in the bundled database.

⚠️This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones.

function StandardTimeStart(const AYear: Word): TDateTime;

Obtains the start date/time of standard period in the local time. Argument AYear is the year to get data for. Returns the requested date/time or 00/00/0000 00:00:00.000 if there's no such period in the given year. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified year is not in the bundled database.

⚠️This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones.

function InvalidTimeStart(const AYear: word): TDateTime;

Obtains the start date/time of invalid period in the local time. Argument AYear is the year to get data for. Returns the requested date/time or 00/00/0000 00:00:00.000 if there's no such period in the given year. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified year is not in the bundled database.

⚠️This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones.

function AmbiguousTimeStart(const AYear: word): TDateTime;

Obtains the start date/time of ambiguous period in the local time. Argument AYear is the year to get data for. Returns the requested date/time or 00/00/0000 00:00:00.000 if there's no such period in the given year. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified year is not in the bundled database.

⚠️This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones.

function DaylightTimeEnd(const AYear: word): TDateTime;

Obtains the end date/time of daylight saving period in the local time. Argument AYear is the year to get data for. Returns the requested date/time or 00/00/0000 00:00:00.000 if there's no such period in the given year. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified year is not in the bundled database.

⚠️This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones.

function StandardTimeEnd(const AYear: word): TDateTime;

Obtains the end date/time of standard period in the local time. Argument AYear is the year to get data for. Returns the requested date/time or 00/00/0000 00:00:00.000 if there's no such period in the given year. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified year is not in the bundled database.

⚠️This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones.

function InvalidTimeEnd(const AYear: word): TDateTime;

Obtains the end date/time of invalid period in the local time. Argument AYear is the year to get data for. Returns the requested date/time or 00/00/0000 00:00:00.000 if there's no such period in the given year. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified year is not in the bundled database.

⚠️This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones.

function AmbiguousTimeEnd(const AYear: word): TDateTime;

Obtains the end date/time of ambiguous period in the local time. Argument AYear is the year to get data for. Returns the requested date/time or 00/00/0000 00:00:00.000 if there's no such period in the given year. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified year is not in the bundled database.

⚠️This function considers the first period of this type and will not work properly for complicated time zones.

function HasDaylightTime(const AYear: word): Boolean;

Determines if the time zone has daylight saving period. Argument AYear is the year to check. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified year is not in the bundled database.

  function ToISO8601Format(const ADateTime: TDateTime): String;

Converts a local date/time to the full ISO-8601 date time string. Argument ADateTime is the local date/time to format. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the date year is not in the bundled database.

function GetAbbreviation(const ADateTime: TDateTime; 
    const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): string;

Generates an abbreviation string for the given local time. Argument ADateTime is the local time. Argument AForceDaylight specifies if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST rather than standard time. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. Raises ELocalTimeInvalid if the specified local time is invalid.

function GetDisplayName(const ADateTime: TDateTime; 
    const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): string;

Generates a display string for the given local time. Argument ADateTime is the local time. Argument AForceDaylight specifies if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST rather than standard time. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. Raises ELocalTimeInvalid if the specified local time is invalid.

function GetLocalTimeType(const ADateTime: TDateTime): TLocalTimeType;

Returns the type of the local time. Argument ADateTime is the local time. Argument AForceDaylight specifies if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST rather than standard time. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. Raises ELocalTimeInvalid if the specified local time is invalid.

function IsAmbiguousTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): Boolean;

Checks whether the specified local time is ambiguous. Argument ADateTime is the local time. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the specified date/time year is not in the bundled database.

function IsDaylightTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime; 
   const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): Boolean;

Checks whether the specified local time is in the daylight saving period. Argument ADateTime is the local time. Argument AForceDaylight specifies if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST rather than standard time. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the year of the specified date/time year is not in the bundled database.

function IsInvalidTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): Boolean;

Checks whether the specified local time is invalid. Argument ADateTime is the local time. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the year of the specified date/time year is not in the bundled database.

function IsStandardTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime; 
    const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): Boolean;

Checks whether the specified local time is standard. Argument ADateTime is the local time. Argument AForceDaylight specifies if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST rather than standard time. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the year of the specified date/time year is not in the bundled database.

function GetUtcOffset(const ADateTime: TDateTime; 
  const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): TTimeSpan;

Returns the UTC offset of the given local time. Argument ADateTime is the local time. Argument AForceDaylight specifies if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST rather than standard time. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the year of the specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. Raises ELocalTimeInvalid if the specified local time is invalid.

function ToLocalTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): TDateTime;

Converts an UTC time to a local time. Argument ADateTime is the local time. Argument AForceDaylight specifies if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST rather than standard time. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the year of the specified date/time year is not in the bundled database.

function ToUniversalTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime;
    const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): TDateTime;

Converts a local time to an UTC time. Argument ADateTime is the local time. Argument AForceDaylight specifies if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST rather than standard time. Raises EUnknownTimeZoneYear if the year of the specified date/time year is not in the bundled database. Raises ELocalTimeInvalid if the specified local time is invalid.

property ID: string;

Returns the ID of the timezone. An ID is a string that should uniquely identify the timezone.

property DisplayName: string;

Returns the current time zone's display name string.

property Abbreviation: string;

Returns the current time zone's abbreviation string.

property UtcOffset: TTimeSpan

Returns the current time zone's UTC offset.