- Introduction
- Illustrations of the Type Discipline
- A Simple Applicative Language and its Types
- The Semantic Soundness theorem
- A Well-Typing Algorithm and its Correctness
- Algorithm W
- The Syntactic Soundness theorem
- Algorithm J
- Types in Extended Languages
Section 3 has subsections:
- The Language Exp
- Semantic Equations for Exp
- Discussion of Types
- Types and their Semantics
- Type Assignments
- Substitutions
- Well-Typed Expressions Do Not Go Wrong
Our purpose in this section is to prove the Semantic Soundness Theorem, which says that:
- If we can assign a type to an expression
- Then the runtime will never throw a type error at runtime
Two main things can go wrong with this.
- Runtime E, which throws type errors when it feels like it;
- Type system Z, where everything has type Zoidberg.
So we will have to firm up the statement of the theorem by
- stating what conditions the runtime can have for throwing a type error;
- strengthening the conditions for assigning a type to an expression.
- The AST for our language
- The objects our language can operate on (booleans, numbers, strings, functions, arrays, and so on)
- Booleans and functions are treated specially, as is W, the "Wrong" type.
- The environment type.
- Defines the runtime evaluator for our language. This is a standard evaluator, but the important
parts are where it returns
. These are the type errors:- If you call something, it has to be a Function
- The condition of an
must be a Boolean.
- Three quick points:
is defined in terms of the Y combinator- Semantically,
let x = 3 in x+1
is the same as(lambda (x) x+1)(3)
. But we agreed last week that as far as typing goes, we are going to treat them differently. - Our language is call-by-value, but call-by-name is very similar as far as evaluation is concerned, and more importantly, completely identical to the type checker.
Values usually have types.
- Some values have one type, e.g.,
has typeInt
. - Some values have many types, e.g.,
has types[Int]->Int
- Some values have no type, e.g.,
if 3 then 4 else 5
- If a function has type
a -> b
, and we give it value of typea
, then we will get out a value of typeb
, not an error.
We now have 2 goals:
- Prove that if we can assign a type to an expression and it is "well-typed" (which we will define in 3.5), the evaluator won't throw a type error at runtime. This is the remainder of section 3,
- Find a way to assign a type to an expression - this is section 4.
Syntax of types:
- Basic types
- Type variables
- Construction of function types from basic types and type variables
Semantics of monotypes: a value has a monotype if:
- It's a basic type, then the type of the value is the type of the object
- It's a function that always returns a type
when given a typea
, then it has typea->b
- Another example of a function with no type: f(1) = "one", f(2) = 2, f undefined elsewhere
Semantics of polytypes
- <=
Notes on "downward closed" and "directed complete":
- These mostly come from Dana Scott's domain theory
- Directed Complete (aka "up complete" aka "DCPO") means that every directed subset has a supremum
- and in this case, it means that
This important section is where we define well-typed. The paper actually defines it twice, and the second definition (Proposition 3) is easier to work with.
- Introduction
- Illustrations of the Type Discipline
- A Simple Applicative Language and its Types
- The Semantic Soundness theorem
- A Well-Typing Algorithm and its Correctness
- Algorithm W
- The Syntactic Soundness theorem
- Algorithm J
- Types in Extended Languages
Section 3 has subsections:
- The Language Exp
- Semantic Equations for Exp
- Discussion of Types
- Types and their Semantics
- Type Assignments
- Substitutions
- Well-Typed Expressions Do Not Go Wrong
Our purpose in this section is to prove the Semantic Soundness Theorem, which says that:
- If we can assign a type to an expression
- Then the runtime will never throw a type error at runtime
Two main things can go wrong with this.
- Runtime E, which throws type errors when it feels like it;
- Type system Z, where everything has type Zoidberg.
So we will have to firm up the statement of the theorem by
- stating what conditions the runtime can have for throwing a type error;
- strengthening the conditions for assigning a type to an expression.
- The AST for our language
- The objects our language can operate on (booleans, numbers, strings, functions, arrays, and so on)
- Booleans and functions are treated specially, as is W, the "Wrong" type.
- The environment type.
- Defines the runtime evaluator for our language
- Three quick points:
is defined in terms of the Y combinator- Semantically,
let x = 3 in x+1
is the same as(lambda (x) x+1)(3)
. But we agreed last week that as far as typing goes, we are going to treat them differently. - Our language is call-by-value, but call-by-name is very similar as far as evaluation is concerned, and more importantly, completely identical to the type checker.
- Values usually have types.
- Some values have one type, e.g.,
has typeInt
. - Some values have many types, e.g.,
has types[Int]->Int
- Some values have no type, e.g.,
if 3 then 4 else 5
- If a function has type
a -> b
, and we give it value of typea
, then we will get out a value of typeb
, not an error.
- Some values have one type, e.g.,
- We are going to define the concept "Well-typed"
- We now have 2 goals:
- Prove that if we can assign a type to an expression, it won't throw a type error at runtime. This is the remainder of section 3,
- Find a way to assign a type to an expression - this is section 4.
- Syntax of types
- Basic types
- Type variables
- Construction of function types from basic types and type variables
- Semantics of monotypes: a value has a monotype if:
- It's a basic type, then the type of the value is the type of the object
- It's a function that always returns a type
when given a typea
, then it has typea->b
- Another example of a function with no type: f(1) = "one", f(2) = 2, f undefined elsewhere
- Semantics of polytypes