A vim compiler that uses stack ghc
to your preferred plugin managerExample:
Plug 'pbrisbin/vim-compiler-stack'
Set the
, probably in aFileType
hookautocmd FileType haskell compiler ghc
TODO: do this automatically in an after plugin.
Run :make
in a Haskell file. Move through errors with :cn
view them in a list with :copen
The compilation process will respect {.,~}/ghci
, so any required settings
should be added there (e.g. language extensions). This makes it trivial to have
global and project-local settings.
I don't recommend triggering compilation on every write. This plugin doesn't
aim to do anything fancy to avoid the UI freeze while ghc
is doing its thing.
Therefore, I recommend map
ping it to an explicit action instead:
map <Leader>c :silent :make<CR>
The following will automatically open and close the QuickFix window when errors
are found or resolved, which is handy in general (e.g. :grep
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost l* nested lwindow
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* nested cwindow