Package savitzkygolay provides a filter on a set of data which provides an effective way of smoothing data that generally follows curves found in polynomials.
go get
Package savitzkygolay provides a filter on a set of data which provides an effective way of smoothing data that generally follows curves found in polynomials. It is particularly good alternative to a moving average since it does not introduce a delay proportial to about half the window length.
noise := 15.0
xs := make([]float64, testSize, testSize)
ys := make([]float64, testSize, testSize)
for i := range xs {
ys[i] = 20 * math.Sin(float64(i)/math.Pi/6) +
(rand.Float64() * noise) - noise/2.0)
xs[i] = float64(i)
filter, err := savitzkygolay.NewFilterWindow(11)
sgy, err := filter.Process(ys, xs)
Filter interface may be retained to avoid the overhead of pre-computing the polynomials however the size is proportial to the square of the window size.
The filter run on O(number of elements * size of window)
Project unit tests generate outputs which illustrate the filter.
The Go implementation was based on the JavaScript implementation:
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