#Ant Ant stands for Augmented Narrative Toolkit. A framework that enables web developers to easily create data driven documents as it integrates the power and complexity of a variety of tools that can be controlled by directly by HTML5 data tags, CSS3 and a little javascript.
An example of its use would be:
<div id="my_map" data-chart="map" data-map_layers="countries" style="width: 600px; height: 350px;"></div>
Along with this JavaScript code
$(document).ready (function () {
var conf = {
data: {
countries: {
type: d3.json,
url: '/data/world.json',
id: "world",
key: "countries",
enumerator: "geometries",
idProperty: function (a) { return a.id; }
new Ant (conf);
Will result in a map:
And it all starts there. There are many, many, options and features.
- A world's population explorer
- Visualizing Boston's Police Department drug investigations and arrests
- Mexico City's air quality dashboard
The tools/libraries it integrates are:
- D3
- ScrollMagic
- jQuery
- PopcornJS
And others.