Base project template for ES6 modules including:
- Server with live reload of static files
- Compile tasks to run ES6 JavaScript and SASS CSS in the browser
- Optimise tasks to create concatenated and minified ES5 versions for production environments
- Test tasks to automate unit tests and functional tests with screenshots and diff
- Document tasks to automatically create documentation from comments within the code
Ensure you have Node and NPM installed using the instructions at:
Also the global packages you will need installed:
npm install jspm -g
npm install gulp -g
Then run the following command to install the dependancies:
jspm install
npm install
After installation has completed you will have access to the following features.
- del - Delete folder helper
- gulp - Task runner
- gulp-connect - Runs the local server
- gulp-rename - Renames a file
- require-dir - Requires a directory of js files
gulp compile
- gulp-autoprefixer - Adds browser prefixes to css automatically
- gulp-combine-media-queries - Combines css media queries to optimise code size
- gulp-jspm - ES6 in browser compilation
- gulp-sass - Compiles scss into css
gulp optimise
- gulp-html-replace - Updates html development paths with production paths
- gulp-imagemin - Minifies images to create smaller files
- gulp-minify-css - Minifies the css into a smaller file
- gulp-htmlmin - Minifies html code into a smaller file
- gulp-jspm - Converts ES6 to ES5 javascript and minifies the file
- imagemin-pngquant - Plugin for imagemin to minify png images
gulp test
- gulp-webdriver - Testing task runner helper for gulp
- jasmine - Testing framework
- selenium-standalone - Testing server
- webdrivercss - Testing CSS regression screenshot comparison tool
- webdriverio - Testing task runner
gulp document
- gulp-esdoc - Auto-generates js documentation
- sassdoc - Auto-generates css documentation
gulp/ --> Gulp tasks
wdio.conf.js --> Test runner configuration
src/ --> Development code
www/ --> Production code (after 'gulp optimise' command)
For more information please contact kmturley