This tool allows us to display PS4 PKG library, manage and perform various operations on PS4 PKG. I re-wrote many parts of this tool and changed the program versioning because the previous versioning is messed up. For new release I will start with v1.0. Some features is disabled as it not working properly and listed it in todo checklist. All suggestion are welcome. Report if there any bugs here.
This is not a software which allows you to get free PS4 game.
- Scan and view your collection of PS4 PKG library.
- View pkg info such PKG param info, PKG trophy list and PKG entry.
- Rename and export PKG to excel file.
- Check PKG update.
- Send PKG to PS4 via network.
This only compatible with any PS4 firmware capable running Flatz's Remote Package Installer app. Splitted update PKG is not supported at this moment.
- Open program settings.
- Set PC and PS4 IP address.
- Install node.js and http-server module. (Make sure Node.js allowed through firewall)
- If you unable to install http-server via PS4 PKG Tool, restart PS4 PKG Tool and try reinstall the module or you can install it manually using command 'npm install http-server -g' on command prompt.
- Save and Exit program settings.
- Launch Remote Package Installer apps on your PS4.
- Select PKG you wish to install, right-click and select 'Send PKG to PS4'.
- xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx for the PS4 Tool lib
- Maxton for LibOrbisPkg
- stooged for psDLC
- Sony <3