This SDK gives you a quick start for programmatically accessing the Contrast REST API using Java.
- JDK 7 / 8
- Maven
- TeamServer account
Clone the project and run 'clean install' Maven goals to build the artifact with the latest code
Add contrast-sdk-java to your project dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>com.contrastsecurity</groupId> <artifactId>contrast-sdk-java</artifactId> <version>1.2-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency>
Look up the following information from TeamServer
- API Key
- User Service Key
- REST API URL: the base Contrast API URL, refer toContrast API Endpoints
Do what you want!
Code example:
ContrastConnection conn = new ContrastConnection("contrast_admin", "demo", "demo", "http://localhost:19080/Contrast/api");
Applications apps = conn.getApplications("a64b1f3e-a0b5-4e8b-900f-6ae263711d6d");
Gson gson = new Gson();
Sample output:
"applications": [{
"app_id": "72358543-bbdb-490c-8e3f-1b5f5e9a0bf7",
"archived": false,
"created": 1461631080000,
"status": "offline",
"path": "/Curl",
"name": "Contrast-Curl",
"language": "Java",
"last_seen": 1461631080000,
"total_modules": 1,
"master": false
}, {
"app_id": "b9acb026-36a6-4f4e-b568-33168b7a5ae6",
"archived": false,
"created": 1460582653000,
"status": "offline",
"path": "/portal",
"name": "portal",
"language": "Java",
"last_seen": 1460925180000,
"total_modules": 1,
"master": false
}, {
"app_id": "53775e84-90a6-4a64-bafe-2b153c3a40f0",
"archived": false,
"created": 1460582640000,
"status": "offline",
"path": "/",
"name": "ROOT",
"language": "Java",
"last_seen": 1460925180000,
"total_modules": 1,
"master": false
}, {
"app_id": "9e88815f-bb0d-44b4-ac5a-f02f661e8947",
"archived": false,
"created": 1460582659000,
"status": "offline",
"path": "/library",
"name": "sakai-library",
"language": "Java",
"last_seen": 1460925180000,
"total_modules": 1,
"master": false
}, {
"app_id": "e9a14797-42e7-4ba4-8282-364fdf37026c",
"archived": false,
"created": 1460582916000,
"status": "offline",
"path": "/sakai-user-tool",
"name": "sakai-user-tool",
"language": "Java",
"last_seen": 1460925180000,
"total_modules": 2,
"master": true
}, {
"app_id": "469b9147-5736-4b83-9158-657427d4c960",
"archived": false,
"created": 1461600682000,
"status": "offline",
"path": "/examples",
"name": "Servlet and JSP Examples",
"language": "Java",
"last_seen": 1461737160000,
"total_modules": 1,
"master": false
}, {
"app_id": "3da856f4-c508-48b8-95a9-514eddefcbf3",
"archived": false,
"created": 1461599820000,
"status": "offline",
"path": "/WebGoat",
"name": "WebGoat",
"language": "Java",
"last_seen": 1461737160000,
"total_modules": 1,
"master": false