The main Python file is the '' file. This generates all the plots in the 'Figures' folder which are then imported to the LaTex file in the 'Latex' folder. 'athlete_events.csv' contains the main dataset for analysis. 'raw_continent.csv' contains a database with lots of informations about most (all?) countries. It is the input to the ''. '' processes the above file to get only the NOC code, name and continent for each country. This will be imported into the main Python file. 'noc_regions.csv' contains information about the NOC codes and regions for all the countries which ever participated in the Olympic Games.
'df_pandas_profiling_OH.html', 'OH_no_art_processed.html' and 'OH_processed.html' are files generated by the main Python script. If erased the script will generate them again, but it will take more time to run.
Not all plot produced were incorporated into the final LaTex file, and consequently into the main PDF file.