Finally an app to help meetup (or small conference) orgas and speaker to fulfill their goal.
On the organizer side, they can create a group (like a meetup group) and then manage their events, CFPs and even sponsors. Gospeak can publish a nice group page with the group details and history (events, talks, sponsors...).
On the speaker side, they can create some talks and submit them to existing CFPs in the platform in a few clicks. They can keep track of all their proposals and publish a nice page about them, containing their speaker history and their current talks.
Organizers can look at public talks and ask to the speaker for a proposal, this can be a very nice opportunity for groups to find speakers but also for speakers to have more opportunities.
Finally, Gospeak will also gather a list of external CFPs (like big conferences) so speakers can find them easily.
We really believe that public speaking is an awesome experience and we hope more and more people will do it. One of the Gospeak goal is to help everybody try public speaking and help them in the way.
If you have any idea or suggestion about that, we will be happy to discuss it with you, feel free to reach us at [email protected] or @GospeakApp
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