Considering the lack of generic and open-source solutions for management and monitoring of private clouds, pcmons (Private Cloud MONitoring System) was developed. It is intended to be an extensible and modular monitoring system for private clouds. pcmons acts principally retrieving, gathering and preparing relevant information for monitoring data visualization and is specially on virtual machines.
- Shirlei Chaves ([email protected])
- Rafael Uriarte ([email protected])
- Pedro Vitti ([email protected])
PCMONS is compatible with Eucalyptus and Opennebula (IaaS platform) and Nagios (used to visualize monitoring data). However, its development considers easily integration with other toolkit or cloud frameworks trough the development of extensions.
* Eucalyptus >= 1.6.1 or OpenNebula >= 3.0
* Nagios
* Python == 2.6.x (greater than 2.6.x may work, less than probably will not; neither is tested)
* mysql
* mysql-python
* python-boto
You can use package manager to install these packages.
$ yum install python mysql-python python-boto mysql-server
$ sudo apt-get install python python-mysqld python-boto mysql-server
To install Eucalyptus or OpenNebula and Nagios you can follow the steps at the official documentation according to your GNU/Linux distribution.
Eucalyptus -
Nagios -
OpenNebula -
Configure an user in the MySQL database and in the cluster configuration ($PCMONS/running_vms/cluster/ By default the user is 'manager' and the password is 'cloudmanager'.
You can execute the command below at a mysql shell to do that:
$ CREATE USER 'manager'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'cloudmanager';
Create the database and MySQL tables
You can run the vmmonitor_vm.sql script through a tool like phpMyAdmin (Just open a query window and copy and paste the content of the text file in there). phpMyAdmin and possibly other frontends will also allow to upload a *.sql file through the web browser.
In phpMyAdmin click on the SQL tab. If you don't have any such front end installed, you can also use the mysql shell.
Execute this command and you'll be fine:
$ mysql <my_db_name> -u<user_name> -p<password> vmm_monitor_vm.sql
If you are using Eucalyptus, Change file by the one in the third-parties directory. Usually it's locate in /usr/share/eucalyptus folder.
Copy all files in the node folder ($PCMONS/running_vms/node/) to the node hosts and run it (python
Run the others files in the cluster/cloud controller host (where Nagios is installed).
More information about monitoring of private clouds and pcmons architecture: