Bot API 3.0
Payment platform and video messages
- Added new kinds of updates, shipping_query and pre_checkout_query, and new types of message content, invoice and successful_payment.
- Added new methods for payments: sendInvoice, answerShippingQuery, and answerPreCheckoutQuery.
- Added a new type of button, the pay button to InlineKeyboardButton.
- Added the sendVideoNote method, the new field video_note to Message, the fields record_video_note or upload_video_note to sendChatAction
- User object now may have a language_code field
- New method deleteMessage
- New fields gif_duration in InlineQueryResultGif and mpeg4_duration in InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif
- Replaced the field new_chat_member in Message with new_chat_members
- OkHttp 3.8.0