Now is self-made WMS not availuable, just a local version.
This is a Project to demostrate a Visualization of Digital Earth, with Request on Earth Visualization Image from Internet Server via WMS Service.
The Code is heavily based on my Bachelor Thesis at CUMT.
The Earth grid net is basically developed based on Icosahedron
data source: DEM dataset<- not in use, DEM dataset Texture Dataset
pangolin GDAL OpenCV
- Apply google test.
- refine structure.
- Doxygen Document.
- WMS broadcasted images.
- Extend some type specific function to be template function, to handle various depth images
- extract a parent calss for both DEMModel and TextureModel.
- automatic load of different GeoTiFF images (Generallization)
- turn to opengl core-profile mode, not immediate mode.
- reduce CPU Usage.
- pyrimid model()
Convension Command:
gdal_translate -a_srs WGS84 -a_ullr -180 +90 +180 -90 xglobe-2400.jpg xglobe-2400.tiff