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List of users and orgs

Himanshu Mishra edited this page Mar 6, 2020 · 19 revisions

List of projects : 1.3k


# GitHub Username Name Organization description
1 @pandas-dev pandas Powerful data manipulation tools for Python
2 @scikit-learn-contrib scikit-learn compatible projects
3 @spyder-ide Spyder IDE The Scientific Python Development Environment
4 @scikit-image Image Processing Toolbox for SciPy
5 @openSUSE openSUSE Your friendly neighborhood free software project promoting the use of Linux everywhere, working as part of the worldwide community
6 @MycroftAI Mycroft An Open Source Artificial Intelligence for Everyone
7 @astropy The Astropy Project
8 @pydata Python for Data
9 @andela Andela Extend your team with world-class developers
10 @ContinuumIO Anaconda, Inc. (formerly Continuum Analytics, Inc.) Advanced data processing, analysis, and visualization tools for Python & R.
11 @spacetelescope Space Telescope Science Institute STScI is operated by AURA for NASA
12 @QuantEcon QuantEcon Open source code for quantitative economic modeling
13 @tableau Tableau On a mission to help people see and understand data.
14 @coding-blocks Coding Blocks Tools that we use - open source for you to see and contribute :) || Codes for old classes will be on
15 @intermine InterMine Open source biological data warehouse developed at the University of Cambridge
16 @GDGVIT DSC VIT Vellore Google Developers Group VIT
17 @OpenSCAP OpenSCAP Open Source Security Compliance Solution
18 @yt-project The yt project A toolkit for analysis and visualization of volumetric data
19 @pydicom Dicom in Python development for software, modules, and containers for dicom applications that use Python
20 @autonomio Autonomio Machine Intelligence Workbench
21 @arfc Advanced Reactors and Fuel Cycles A research group focused on modeling and simulation of advanced nuclear reactors and fuel cycles.
22 @4Quant 4Quant From images to insight: Helping you make sense of complex imaging data
23 @gwastro Gravitational-wave Astronomy Python Software for Gravitational-wave Astronomy
24 @Schlumberger Schlumberger Schlumberger Software Technology
25 @PlasmaPy PlasmaPy PlasmaPy will be a community developed package for plasma physics
26 @gwpy GWpy Python Software for Studying Data from Gravitational-Wave Detectors
27 @incf-nidash INCF-NIDASH INCF Neuroimaging Data Sharing Group
28 @zarr-developers Zarr Developers Contributors to the Zarr open source project.
29 @yeatmanlab Yeatman Lab Brain Development & Education Lab
30 @4QuantOSS 4Quant Open Source Open Source Software from 4Quant
31 @StingraySoftware Stingray Next-generation spectral-timing software for astronomy applications and beyond.
32 @ActiveWebsite Booj Be Original Or Jealous
33 @appeler appeler Making sense of names.
34 @rootio rootio a loosely-integrated, content-agnostic “solution stack” for peer-oriented radio networks
35 @pypr Python Particle methods Research Research group at IIT Bombay working on Particle methods
36 @ucsd-ets UC San Diego ITS/Educational Technology Services Instructional/Classroom Use
37 @phi-grib Phi GRIB PharmacoInformatics laboratory at GRIB (UPF)
38 @popperized Popperized Repos A list of repositories that follow the popper convention.
39 @Geeked-Out-Solutions Geeked Out Solutions Focusing on geeking out houses and other parts of daily lives. Code to assist in that process.
40 @Dwarf-Community Dwarf Community The community behind Dwarf, the Discord Web Application Rendering Framework
41 @workmarket WorkMarket Your OS for work
42 @geosensing Geosensing Making it easier to collect and analyze geographically distributed data
43 @OCESS OCE Spacesim The Ottawa-Carleton Educational Space Simulation, check out our wiki:
44 @telebotter telebotter We are a group of hobby programmers, who want to create some more or less usefull telegram bots.
45 @morse-talk Morse Talk A Python library for morse code
46 @Daltix Daltix Beyond Data
47 @inform-health-informatics Inform Health Informatics Project management for UCLH Critical Care
48 @snoringninja Snoring Ninja Group of friends who program things for fun.
49 @WesternFriend Western Friend Publisher for Quakers in the western U.S.
50 @Draup-Zinnov Draup Open sourced internal tools from the technology team of Draup
51 @grizli-project grizli-project The Grizli Project
52 @NEI-modeling Non-equilibrium ionization modeling This organization will contain codes that will model non-equilibrium ionization plasmas. These codes may be absorbed into another project at some point.
54 @nipy NIPY developers
55 @rpm-software-management
56 @pulp
57 @sunpy SunPy
58 @kossiitkgp Kharagpur Open Source Society
59 @ComplianceAsCode
60 @notonthehighstreet notonthehighstreet
61 @eth-cscs Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS)
62 @NeuralEnsemble
63 @tcpcloud tcp cloud
64 @cesium-ml
65 @ninja-ide ninja-ide
66 @CCExtractor CCExtractor Development
67 @GoldenCheetah Golden Cheetah Open Source Project
68 @Code-Institute-Org Code Institute
69 @scikit-optimize
70 @OGGM Open Global Glacier Model
71 @systemslab Systems Research Lab at UC Santa Cruz
72 @CosmiQ
73 @MPAS-Dev
74 @cggh Centre for Genomics and Global Health
75 @odlgroup ODL Development Group
76 @boutproject
77 @paris-saclay-cds Paris-Saclay Center for Data Science
78 @uwcirg University of Washington Clinical Informatics Research Group
79 @casacore
80 @pandas-ml
81 @HTML-as-programming-language
82 @NASA-Planetary-Science
83 @Komtet
84 @cta-sst-1m
85 @Spoken-tutorial
86 @deNBI German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure
87 @cms-tau-pog CMS tau ID developers
88 @Dog-Face-Development Dog Face Development Co.
89 @napari
90 @chestrays
91 @CiviWiki
92 @monashmicroimaging Monash Micro Imaging
93 @astrohr
94 @cgq-qgc Centre Géoscientifique de Québec
95 @fury-gl
96 @scikit-cycling
97 @Gravity-Spy
98 @uniculture
99 @X-Pypeline
100 @DeMarcoLab
101 @TCGGroup
102 @KanaoReeves
103 @ping-me-website
104 @kwoc **Kharagpur Winter of Code **
105 @sdycgtgz-python
106 @HackerValleyTeam
107 @skope-rules skope-rules
108 @calipsa Calipsa
109 @DASCap
110 @asoreco Asoreco NV
111 @nFusz

Individual maintainers

  1. @xhochy Uwe L. Korn
  2. @daviddavis David Davis
  3. @rasbt Sebastian Raschka
  4. @scls19fr
  5. @mozillazg Huang Huang
  6. @myles Myles Braithwaite
  7. @rochacbruno Bruno Rocha
  8. @pwoolcoc Paul Woolcock
  9. @hmaarrfk Mark Harfouche
  10. @kmader Kevin Mader
  11. @shidenggui shidenggui
  12. @massich Joan Massich
  13. @OrkoHunter Himanshu Mishra
  14. @prateekiiest Prateek Chanda
  15. @lmcinnes Leland McInnes
  16. @debugger22 Sudhanshu Mishra
  17. @wooparadog Haochuan Guo
  18. @kshitij10496 Kshitij Saraogi
  19. @palash25 Palash Nigam
  20. @debuggermalhotra Chetan Malhotra
  21. @sinhrks Sinhrks
  22. @kwikiel Kacper Wikieł
  23. @keitheis Keith Yang
  24. @SergeyPirogov Serhii Pirohov
  25. @maxking Abhilash Raj
  26. @MrKiven Jialong Shen
  27. @soodoku *********
  28. @alecalve Antoine Le Calvez
  29. @nirum Niru Maheswaranathan
  30. @alimanfoo Alistair Miles
  31. @AvijitGhosh82 Avijit Ghosh
  32. @eyadsibai Eyad Sibai
  33. @mhbashari Moheb
  34. @dibyadas Dibya Prakash Das
  35. @amirziai Amir Ziai
  36. @vaibhavmule Vaibhav Mule
  37. @nitinkgp23 Nitin Choudhary
  38. @shibasisp Shibasis Patel
  39. @andfoy Edgar Andrés Margffoy Tuay
  40. @damnever X.C.Dong
  41. @SmileLikeYe
  42. @haeusser Philip
  43. @arsenal9971 Hector Andrade Loarca
  44. @sks444 Shrikrishna Singh
  45. @colinoflynn Colin O'Flynn
  46. @hwine Hal Wine
  47. @fvisin Francesco
  48. @MatthewScholefield Matthew D. Scholefield
  49. @jameslamb James Lamb
  50. @cleder Christian Ledermann
  51. @manodeep Manodeep Sinha
  52. @ekinertac Ekin Ertaç
  53. @kuanfang Kuan Fang
  54. @shubh-agrawal Shubh Agrawal
  55. @SaravananOffl Saravanan G
  56. @cdgriffith Chris Griffith
  57. @ayan-b Ayan Banerjee
  58. @JerAguilon Jeremy Aguilon
  59. @btotharye Brian Hopkins
  60. @tsalo Taylor Salo
  61. @emdupre Elizabeth DuPre
  62. @sauln Nathaniel Saul
  63. @srcole Scott Cole
  64. @ritz301 Ritvik Raj
  65. @karanrajpal14 Karan M Rajpal
  66. @JisuPark Jisu Park
  67. @fujiisoup Keisuke Fujii
  68. @darvid David Gidwani
  69. @mattpitkin Matt Pitkin
  70. @faith0811 Wang Yanqing
  71. @jnsebgosselin Jean-Sébastien Gosselin
  72. @vimalloc Landon
  73. @ashaywalke Ashay Walke
  74. @woctezuma Wok
  75. @swapsha96 Swapnil Sharma
  76. @SpandanKumarSahu
  77. @BielStela
  78. @ags2121 Alex Silva
  79. @nupurgunwant Nupur Gunwant
  80. @bourque Matthew Bourque
  81. @VolVoz Volodymyr Vozniak
  82. @ravigadila Ravi kumar
  83. @thecoducer Mayukh Datta
  84. @pep8speaks PEP8 Speaks
  85. @shikharvaish28 Shikhar Vaish
  86. @josephhardinee Joseph Hardin
  87. @GenevieveBuckley Genevieve Buckley
  88. @twolodzko Tymoteusz Wołodźko
  89. @bongani-m Bongani Mbigi
  90. @xupingmao xupingmao
  91. @jaumebonet Jaume Bonet
  92. @tomschr Thomas Schraitle
  93. @Fatal1ty Alexander Tikhonov
  94. @MisterCruz Rolando Cruz
  95. @nielstron Niels Mündler
  96. @goorockey goorockey
  97. @matteobachetti Matteo Bachetti
  98. @Phil9l Phil Bazun
  99. @rdemaria Riccardo De Maria
  100. @njzjz Jinzhe Zeng
  101. @HubLot Hub
  102. @bryantbiggs Bryant Biggs
  103. @alijafargholi Ali Jafargholi
  104. @rubensfernando Rubens Fernando
  105. @lukeshingles Luke Shingles
  106. @jesseops Jesse Roberts
  107. @johnveitch John Veitch
  108. @mrbean-bremen
  109. @mrahim
  110. @xylar Xylar Asay-Davis
  111. @m-anish Anish Mangal
  112. @tejaram15 Karra Raghu Ram
  113. @dorukozturk Doruk Ozturk
  114. @gwenchee Gwendolyn Chee
  115. @vkarak Vasileios Karakasis
  116. @berserker1 Aaryan Bhagat
  117. @michaelbasca Michael Basca
  118. @dsaxton Daniel Saxton
  119. @astroengisci Andrew Hill
  120. @innovationchef Ankit Lohani
  121. @Evolution0 Anthony Forsberg
  122. @maljovec Dan Maljovec
  123. @bengosney Ben Gosney
  124. @kashyap2108
  125. @TomMaullin
  126. @Tanya-Jain Tanya Jain
  127. @6uhrmittag Marvin Heimbrodt
  128. @shonin Elliot Charney
  129. @kwpav Kevin Pavao
  130. @johannfaouzi Johann Faouzi
  131. @YuviRaje Yuvraj Jadhav
  132. @rahulgovind
  133. @dvolgyes David Völgyes
  134. @minemile Yevstifeev Stepan
  135. @TomaszKolek Tomasz Kolek
  136. @reedhaffner Reed Haffner
  137. @ProtoBird Jimmy
  138. @pbalm Paul Balm
  139. @casotto Mattia Casotto
  140. @AaronKel AKel
  141. @eyaltrabelsi Eyal Trabelsi
  142. @RedheatWei RedheatWei
  143. @willtheorangeguy William
  144. @Tyler314 Tyler Roberts
  145. @alperyeg Alper
  146. @phausamann Peter Hausamann
  147. @jrkong
  148. @teojgo Theofilos Manitaras
  149. @mahitha-raj Mahitha Rajendran
  150. @diarized Artur Kamiński
  151. @Cybsloth
  152. @imhassantariq Hassan Tariq
  153. @abhisekupadhyaya Beyond Imagination
  154. @vfxGer Gerard Keating
  155. @levihemphill Levi Hemphill
  156. @Connor-Harkness
  157. @cdcapano Collin Capano
  158. @prakhargurunani Prakhar Gurunani
  159. @apertif
  160. @Ethan-JK Ethan K
  161. @juliacollinswm julia
  162. @jignasha-vithalani
  163. @raphfle
  164. @dyadem Jason Sanche
  165. @tchoedak Tenzin Choedak
  166. @John0Randolph John Randolph
  167. @G0Lotus Huang Kun
  168. @tinolin Tinolin
  169. @IgnacioPasamontes Ignacio Pasamontes
  170. @tupakulasuresh Suresh Babu Tupakula
  171. @raul-yaman
  172. @sevanden S.P.V.
  173. @roshanok
  174. @Aibono Bharath Kotha
  175. @fakealrightjones

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