TypeScript linter plugin for Gulp.
First install gulp-tslint
npm install --save-dev gulp-tslint
const tslint = require('gulp-tslint');
gulp.task('tslint', function(){
return gulp.src('source.ts')
tslint.json is attempted to be read from near the input file. It must be available or supplied directly through the options.
The output (stringified JSON) is added to file.tslint.output. You can output the errors by using reporters. There are four default reporters:
- 'json' prints stringified JSON to console.log.
- 'prose' prints short human-readable failures to console.log.
- 'verbose' prints longer human-readable failures to console.log.
- 'full' is like verbose, but displays full path to the file
Reporters are executed only if there is at least one failure.
If there is at least one failure a PluginError is emitted after execution of the reporters:
[gulp] Error in plugin 'gulp-tslint': Failed to lint: invalid.ts
You can prevent emiting the error by setting emitError to false when you're invoking the reporter.
gulp.task('invalid-noemit', function(){
return gulp.src('invalid.ts')
.pipe(tslint.report('prose', {
emitError: false
You can use your own reporter by supplying a function.
/* output is in the following form:
* [{
* "name": "invalid.ts",
* "failure": "missing whitespace",
* // Lines and characters start from 0
* "startPosition": {"position": 8, "line": 0, "character": 8},
* "endPosition": {"position": 9, "line": 0, "character": 9},
* "ruleName": "one-line"
* }]
const testReporter = function (output, file, options) {
// file is a reference to the vinyl File object
console.log("Found " + output.length + " errors in " + file.path);
// options is a reference to the reporter options, e.g. options.emitError
gulp.task('invalid-custom', function(){
return gulp.src('invalid.ts')
tslint.json can be supplied as a parameter by setting the configuration property.
gulp.task('tslint-json', function(){
return gulp.src('invalid.ts')
configuration: {
rules: {
"class-name": true,
// ...
You can optionally specify a report limit that will turn off reporting for files after the limit has been reached. If the limit is 0 or less, the limit is ignored, which is the default setting.
All default options
const options = {
configuration: {},
rulesDirectory: null,
emitError: true,
reportLimit: 0
Fork this repository, run npm install and send pull requests.