Use plain event-scheduler from maven build to generate events during a load test.
- Fires events according to the schedule.
- Send start session and stop session and waits for given duration.
- In case of failure or kill of process, sends abort session.
Run with: mvn event-scheduler:test
Example configuration in maven pom.xml
with test-events-hello-world
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Default load settings -->
<eventConfig implementation="io.perfana.helloworld.event.HelloWorldEventConfig">
<activation> <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> </activation>
This will output:
➜ mvn -f src/test/resources/example-pom.xml event-scheduler:test
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -----------------------< io.perfana:events-test >-----------------------
[INFO] Building events-test 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- event-scheduler-maven-plugin:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT:test (default-cli) @ events-test ---
[INFO] Execute event-scheduler-maven-plugin
[HelloWorldEvent] Class loaded
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Default constructor called.
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Number of processors: 8 cores
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Max memory: 4096 MB
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Total memory: 256 MB
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Free memory: 246 MB
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Message: Default Hello Message
[INFO] start test session
[INFO] broadcast before test event
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Hello before test [Afterburner-1.0-shortTest-cloud]
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Sleep for 2 seconds
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Wakeup after 2 seconds
[INFO] calling keep alive every PT30S
[INFO] create new thread: Keep-Alive-Thread
[INFO] === custom events schedule ===
==> ScheduleEvent (hello-world-PT10S) [fire-at=PT10S settings=name=pp ]
==> ScheduleEvent (hello-world2-PT20S) [fire-at=PT20S settings=duration=2s ]
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Hello keep alive for test [Afterburner-1.0-shortTest-cloud]
[INFO] create new thread: Custom-Event-Thread-1
[INFO] create new thread: Custom-Event-Thread-2
[INFO] event-scheduler-maven-plugin will now wait for PT40S for scheduler to finish.
[INFO] broadcast hello-world custom event
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Custom hello world called:name=pp
[INFO] broadcast hello-world2 custom event
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] WARNING: ignoring unknown event [hello-world2]
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Hello keep alive for test [Afterburner-1.0-shortTest-cloud]
[INFO] stop test session.
[INFO] shutdown Executor threads
[INFO] broadcast after test event
[INFO] [HelloEvent1] [HelloWorldEvent] Hello after test [Afterburner-1.0-shortTest-cloud]
[INFO] all broadcasts for stop test session are done
[INFO] check results called
[INFO] broadcast check test
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 42.354 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-01-08T11:34:05+01:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The EventSchedulerMojoTest
might fail in an ide with the following error: org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException: java.util.NoSuchElementException
Try to do a mvn test
from the command line, if that succeeds, it also works from ide.