ModSecurity3 is a powerful open source cross-platform web application firewall (WAF).
was: , now owned by
It goes hand in hand with a ruleset known as OWASP CRS. Note, this role often refers to CRS3, however CRS version 4 has been released now.
was:, now also: and
Additionally both of these go hand in hand with a webserver, either Apache or Nginx, this role only supports Nginx however.
There are a number of libraries and packages which ModSecurity3 depends on and will be installed via this role.
This role will additionally install any compilers and other build tools required for compilation. It will then remove these tools if they were not previously installed.
Nginx support is primarily provided by the dependent role ansible-role-nginx
by jdauphant.
By default this role will install Nginx packages from OS provided repos, this is recommended to be changed to installing from the official Nginx repo instead.
This can be done by setting this variable:
nginx_official_repo: true
Optionally, this role can build the GeoIP and/or the MaxMind Nginx modules if you want geolocation lookups. You likely require a licensed copy of an up to date database from here if you want to use MaxMind:
You can enable these from the following variables:
nginx_modsec3_crs3_geoip_enabled: false
nginx_modsec3_crs3_maxmind_enabled: true
note: this role won't re-run the configure and make steps if their output exists, so if you change the options you want such as the different modules above you make need to delete the Makefile and remove any .so files from the objs/ folder.
Before running a playbook which calls this role:
Install any required Ansible roles from requirements.yml
View here.
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
n.b in particular this role will call certain tasks from the nginx role so be sure to have it installed in the same location as this role and with a specific name of "ansible-role-nginx".
i.e this in the requirements.yml file for your project's playbook (not the requirements.yml file for this role) you will need to include both this role and the role mentioned above like this:
- src: perryk.nginx_modsec3_crs3
- src:
version: master
Browse the role's defaults/main.yml and vars/main.yml files to see if there is anything you would like to change or need to override by setting in your playbook.
There are currently no variables of note being set.
There are lots of variables however in the nginx role, perhaps the best explanation of these are all the examples in the role file.
Example playbook calling the role adding and enabling ModSecurity for the default Nginx site.
- hosts: servers
- nginx
nginx_install_epel_repo: false
nginx_official_repo: true
nginx_official_repo_mainline: true
- ngx_http_modsecurity_module
- ngx_http_geoip2_module
- ngx_http_geoip_module
- listen 80
- server_name _
- "modsecurity on"
- "modsecurity_rules_file /etc/nginx/modsec/main.conf"
- root "/usr/share/nginx/html"
- index index.html
- perryk.nginx-modsec3-crs3
Perry Kollmorgen -