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Use quotient notation A / R
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andreaslyn committed May 19, 2021
1 parent ffaf917 commit 65ed8c8
Showing 1 changed file with 26 additions and 27 deletions.
53 changes: 26 additions & 27 deletions theories/Colimits/Quotient/Choice.v
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Require Import

(** The following is an alternative (0,-1)-projective predicate. Given a family of quotient sets [forall x : A, quotient (R x)], for [R : forall x : A, Relation (B x)], we merely have a choice function [g : forall x, B x], such that [class_of (g x) = f x]. *)
(** The following is an alternative (0,-1)-projective predicate. Given a family of quotient sets [forall x : A, B x / R x], for [R : forall x : A, Relation (B x)], we merely have a choice function [g : forall x, B x], such that [class_of (g x) = f x]. *)

Definition IsQuotientChoosable (A : Type) :=
forall (B : A -> Type), (forall x, IsHSet (B x)) ->
Expand All @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Definition IsQuotientChoosable (A : Type) :=
(forall x, Reflexive (R x)) ->
(forall x, Symmetric (R x)) ->
(forall x, Transitive (R x)) ->
forall (f : forall x : A, Quotient (R x)),
forall (f : forall x : A, B x / (R x)),
hexists (fun g : (forall x : A, B x) =>
forall x, class_of (R x) (g x) = f x).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Section choose_isquotientchoosable.

Local Instance hprop_choose_cod (a : A)
: IsHProp {c : Quotient (RelClassEquiv a)
: IsHProp {c : B a / RelClassEquiv a
| forall b, in_class (RelClassEquiv a) c b <~> P a b}.
apply ishprop_sigma_disjoint.
Expand All @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Section choose_isquotientchoosable.

Local Definition prechoose (i : forall x, hexists (P x)) (a : A)
: {c : Quotient (RelClassEquiv a)
: {c : B a / RelClassEquiv a
| forall b : B a, in_class (RelClassEquiv a) c b <~> P a b}.
specialize (i a).
Expand All @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Section choose_isquotientchoosable.

Local Definition choose (i : forall x, hexists (P x)) (a : A)
: Quotient (RelClassEquiv a)
: B a / RelClassEquiv a
:= (prechoose i a).1.

End choose_isquotientchoosable.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Section isquotientchoosable_to_istr0choosable.

Local Instance ishprop_quotient_relunit (B : A -> Type) (a : A)
: IsHProp (Quotient (RelUnit B a)).
: IsHProp (B a / RelUnit B a).
apply hprop_allpath.
refine (Quotient_ind_hprop _ _ _).
Expand All @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Section isquotientchoosable_to_istr0choosable.
Lemma isquotientchoosable_to_istr0choosable : IsTrChoosable 0 A.
intros B sB f.
transparent assert (g : (forall a, Quotient (RelUnit B a))).
transparent assert (g : (forall a, B a / RelUnit B a)).
- intro a.
specialize (f a).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ Section choose_quotient_ind.

(** First generalize the [qglue] constructor. *)

Lemma pointwise_qglue
Lemma qglue_forall
(f g : forall i, A i) (r : forall i, R i (f i) (g i))
: (fun i => class_of (R i) (f i)) = (fun i => class_of (R i) (g i)).
Expand All @@ -192,21 +192,21 @@ Section choose_quotient_ind.
(** Given suitable preconditions, we will show that [ChooseProp P a g] is inhabited, rather than directly showing [P q]. This turns out to be beneficial because [ChooseProp P a g] is a proposition. *)

Local Definition ChooseProp
(P : (forall i, Quotient (R i)) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
(P : (forall i, A i / R i) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
(a : forall (f : forall i, A i), P (fun i => class_of (R i) (f i)))
(g : forall i, Quotient (R i))
(g : forall i, A i / R i)
: Type
:= {b : P g
| merely (exists (f : forall i, A i)
(q : g = fun i => class_of (R i) (f i)),
forall (f' : forall i, A i)
(r : forall i, R i (f i) (f' i)),
pointwise_qglue f f' r # q # b = a f')}.
qglue_forall f f' r # q # b = a f')}.

Local Instance ishprop_choose_quotient_ind_chooseprop
(P : (forall i, Quotient (R i)) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
(P : (forall i, A i / R i) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
(a : forall (f : forall i, A i), P (fun i => class_of (R i) (f i)))
(g : forall i, Quotient (R i))
(g : forall i, A i / R i)
: IsHProp (ChooseProp P a g).
apply ishprop_sigma_disjoint.
Expand All @@ -228,20 +228,19 @@ Section choose_quotient_ind.
apply moveR_transport_p.
rewrite inv_V.
do 2 rewrite <- transport_pp.
set (pa := (pointwise_qglue f2 f1 pR)^
@ (q2^ @ q1
@ pointwise_qglue f1 f1 _)).
set (pa := (qglue_forall f2 f1 pR)^
@ (q2^ @ q1 @ qglue_forall f1 f1 _)).
by induction (hset_path2 idpath pa).

(* Since [ChooseProp P a g] is a proposition, we can apply [istr0choosable_to_isquotientchoosable] and strip its truncation in order to derive [ChooseProp P a g]. *)

Lemma chooseprop_quotient_ind
(P : (forall i, Quotient (R i)) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
(P : (forall i, A i / R i) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
(a : forall (f : forall i, A i), P (fun i => class_of (R i) (f i)))
(E : forall (f f' : forall i, A i) (r : forall i, R i (f i) (f' i)),
pointwise_qglue f f' r # a f = a f')
(g : forall i, Quotient (R i))
qglue_forall f f' r # a f = a f')
(g : forall i, A i / R i)
: ChooseProp P a g.
pose proof
Expand All @@ -260,11 +259,11 @@ Section choose_quotient_ind.
(** By projecting out of [chooseprop_quotient_ind] we obtain a generalization of [quotient_rec2]. *)

Lemma choose_quotient_ind
(P : (forall i, Quotient (R i)) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
(P : (forall i, A i / R i) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
(a : forall (f : forall i, A i), P (fun i => class_of (R i) (f i)))
(E : forall (f f' : forall i, A i) (r : forall i, R i (f i) (f' i)),
pointwise_qglue f f' r # a f = a f')
(g : forall i, Quotient (R i))
qglue_forall f f' r # a f = a f')
(g : forall i, A i / R i)
: P g.
exact (chooseprop_quotient_ind P a E g).1.
Expand All @@ -273,9 +272,9 @@ Section choose_quotient_ind.
(** A specialization of [choose_quotient_ind] to the case where [P g] is a proposition. *)

Lemma choose_quotient_ind_prop
(P : (forall i, Quotient (R i)) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHProp (P g)}
(P : (forall i, A i / R i) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHProp (P g)}
(a : forall (f : forall i, A i), P (fun i => class_of (R i) (f i)))
(g : forall i, Quotient (R i))
(g : forall i, A i / R i)
: P g.
refine (choose_quotient_ind P a _ g). intros. apply path_ishprop.
Expand All @@ -287,18 +286,18 @@ Section choose_quotient_ind.
{B : Type} `{!IsHSet B} (a : (forall i, A i) -> B)
(E : forall (f f' : forall i, A i),
(forall i, R i (f i) (f' i)) -> a f = a f')
(g : forall i, Quotient (R i))
(g : forall i, A i / R i)
: B
:= choose_quotient_ind (fun _ => B) a
(fun f f' r => transport_const _ _ @ E f f' r) g.

(** The "beta-rule" of [choose_quotient_ind]. *)

Lemma choose_quotient_ind_compute
(P : (forall i, Quotient (R i)) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
(P : (forall i, A i / R i) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
(a : forall (f : forall i, A i), P (fun i => class_of (R i) (f i)))
(E : forall (f f' : forall i, A i) (r : forall i, R i (f i) (f' i)),
pointwise_qglue f f' r # a f = a f')
qglue_forall f f' r # a f = a f')
(f : forall i, A i)
: choose_quotient_ind P a E (fun i => class_of (R i) (f i)) = a f.
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