In the html page insert the script tag
<script src="camera-controller.umd.js"></script>
In your external js file
or in the inline script
const cameraController = new CameraController(
/** options */
const cameraController = new CameraController({
faceDetectOptions: {
modelsUrl: new window.URL(`${ window.location.origin }/face-api-models`).toString()
videoOptions: {
elementOrSelector: '#video-wrapper'
onRecordingStart() {
onRecordingEnd() {
onRecordingInterrupted() {
onDeviceNotAvailable() {
onDevicePermissionDenied() {
onFaceUndetected() {
onFaceDetected() {
- The url path where are the face-api-models located at the server
- The Css selector of the element in which the video screen inserts
CameraController.isAvailableCameraDevice(cb?: (available: boolean): void): Promise<boolean>
- for checking if the user has camera device and the browser support it
CameraController.isAccessPermissionGranted(cb?: (granted: boolean): void): Promise<boolean>
- check if the camera has granted access permission fot that domain
CameraController.isSupportedCameraApi(): boolean
- check if the browser supports the camera API
CameraController.checkPermissionsAndCompatibility(handlers): Promise<boolean>
const passed = await CameraController.checkPermissionsAndCompatibility({
onSystemPermissionDenied: () => {
onUserPermissionDenied: () => {
onCameraApiNotSupported: () => {
onDeviceNotFound: () => {
onTrackError: () => {
onError: () => {
isActive(): boolean
- indicates the camera active state (on/off)
start(): Promise<void>
- start the camera session
stop(): void
- end the camera session
getScreenshotAsBase64(cb?): Promise<string|null>
- get the screenshot as base64 or null if the camera is not active
*it is possible to use
js features for working with asynchronous code or use callback style
- get the screenshot as base64 or null if the camera is not active
*it is possible to use
getScreenshotAsImg(cb?): Promise<img|null>
- get the screenshot as img or null if the camera is not active
*it is possible to use
js features for working with asynchronous code or use callback style
- get the screenshot as img or null if the camera is not active
*it is possible to use
getScreenshotAsFile(cb?): Promise<File|null>
- get the screenshot as img or null if the camera is not active
*it is possible to use
js features for working with asynchronous code or use callback style
- get the screenshot as img or null if the camera is not active
*it is possible to use