Peter Gale's sourceable toolbox functions.
[root@sup-ams1-jpc-notify0 ~]# source ~/toolbox/toolbox
Enter your JPC Headnode username: jdoe
SDC/JPC Toolbox - Version 4.3.3 - The Welshman (20161013)
After sourcing run docs
to see all the available commands:
[root@sup-ams1-jpc-notify0 ~]# docs
SDC/JPC Toolbox - Version 4.3.3 - The Welshman (20161013)
add_notify_roles :uuid or :email - Create the JPC-Notifications* roles for a user
add-key :uuid or :email - Add an SSH key to an account for debugging
auth :zd_ticket :account_uuid - Show if the ticket requester is authorised for the given account
auth_ip :zd_ticket [:IP] - Show if the ticket requester is authorised for the IP (Omit IP to use IP on ticket)
auth_vm :zd_ticket :VM_UUID - Show if the ticket requester is authorised for the given machine UUID
call_api :az :api :path :options - generic api interface
capi :dc :path :options - Call to capi
cn_res :dc :cn_uuid - Free Ram. Disk and CPU per CN
cn_state :dc :hostname/:uuid - Summary of CN and VM's state
cn_vms :dc :uuid - calls cnapi to list all the VM's for a CN
cn_vms2 :dc :hostname - calls cnapi to list all the VM's for a CN
cnapi :dc :path :options - Call to cnapi
count - Counts distinct values of the first field on the input stream
cust :uuid or :email - Display the customer record of the last VM displayed by vm/vmi
cust_imgs :cust_uuid or :email - List private images for a customer
cust_nets :uuid or :email - List customers Networks in all DC's
cust_summary :uuid or :email - Summary of a customers details and deployment
cust_vms :uuid or :email - List customers VM's in all DC's
cust_vms2 :uuid or :email - List customers VM's in all DC's (Show server and PI)
cvm - Redisplays the VM summary from the last call to vm/vmi. Job list is refreshed
designation :job_uuid - Show why a provison landed on the CN
disabler :uuid/:email [NP] - Disables a user. NP = appends '.nonpayment' instead of the default ('.disabled')
disku :dc :cn_uuid -
docs - Display the tools box documentation
email_search :email_address - List accounts matching the email address. Accepets * as wild card
fail_vm :dc :uuid - Mark a VM that is stuck in provisioning as "failed"
find_ip :ip_address - Finds the VM with the given IP Address
fingerprint_search :fingerprint - Lists users with an ssh key matching the fingerprint
fp_search_active :fingerprint - Lists users with an ssh key matching the fingerprint that are approved for provisioning
fp_vms :fingerprint - list VMs for users who's ssh key matches the fingerprint
fraud [m] [N] - List possible fraud VM's for this Month (m) or today and the previous N days
fvm :uuid - Find the VM across all DC's and call vm()
fwapi :dc :path :options - Call to fwapi
img - Display details of the Image of the last VM displayed by vm/vmi
imgapi :dc :path :options - Call to imgapi
imo :dc :vm_uuid - Show image origin of a VM
job_q :dc - List queued and running jobs
keys :uuid or :email - List customers SSH keys
last_boot - Tabular list of last boot times
limits :uuid or :email - Display the provisioning limits for a user
ncra :job_uuid - Show why a provison returned "No Compute Resources Available"
notify_roles :uuid or :email - List the emails associated with the JPC-Notifications* roles for a user
pi [B] - Tabular list of PI's running [or Booting]
pkg_list - Lists active packages in this DC
pkg_list_full - Lists ALL packages in this DC
risk :cust_uuid or :email - print the account sign up risk analysis
sum - Sums the values of the second field on the input stream
svr - SSH to the CN of the last VM displayed by vm/vmi
tier :zd_ticket - Show Support tier and other Org data from ZD
to_zd :zd_ticket [t] - Send stdin to a ZD ticket as a private comment in a code block. t = text not code
uuid :email_or_uuid - Converts an email to a uuid or just returns the uuid (or bails)
valid_dc :dc - Validates a dc name and switches - to _
ver - Display toolbox version
vm :dc :uuid [S][Q] - Displays summary information for a VM. S = call svr(), Q = Quick, no job or FW stuff
vm_fw :dc :vm_uuid - List Firewall rules applicable to a VM
vm_key :List the keys and fingerprints in the metadata of a VM-
vmapi :dc :path :options - Call to vmapi
vmi :ip_address - Calls find_ip to get UUID and then calls vm to display a VM summary
vmping - Ping the first IP of the last VM displayed by vm/vmi
vms_by_pkg :package - Find VMS by package name.
wdjf :dc :job_uuid - Print bunyan parsed job error message showing low level failure details
workflow :dc :path :options - Call to workflow
zd :zd_ticket - get email from ticket and push JPC Summary back to ticket
The official version of toolbox exists in Manta and is synced to this repo. To update this repo follow these steps:
git clone [email protected]:joyent/sup-toolbox.git
cd sup-toolbox
mget -O /joyentsup/stor/TOOLS/toolbox
Review changes in the toolbox script using git diff
so that you can create a commit message describing the recent changes then git add
, git commit
, and git push
git diff toolbox
git add toolbox
git commit -m "Synced from Manta: Replaced sdc-ldap/ufds with OpenLDAP client"
git push origin master