The PhotoArchive project was proposed as a Senior Design Project by the Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering. This project allows the Bureau of Engineering to upload images with specific tags into a Microsoft Azure database.
The link to the repo will issue a 404 error because it leads to my private repository due to the project being closed source.
- Image storage
- Thumbnail storage
- In addition to uploading an image, thumbnails will also be uploaded to increase network efficiency when searching through uploaded images
- Context and Attribute Associations
- Allows for a tagging system to be as specific or general as needed
- Context - General purpose of the image
- Attribute - Specific characteristics of the image, can have multiple attributes per context
- General Example:
- Context = Pasadena Rose Bowl Concert
- Attribute 1 = Which artist is currently playing?
- Attribute 2 = Which area are you seated in?
- Attribute ...
- Specific Example:
- Context = Meeting on 3/14/17 with Corporate
- Attribute 1 = How many people are present?
- Attribute 2 = What were the topics discussed?
- Attribute 3 = Who is currently in this image?
- Attribute ...
- Take images within the application and store them internally
- Import images from the camera roll
- Tag multiple images with multiple context and associated attributes
- Timed automatic deletion of internal images
- Adjust time for when images are automatically deleted
- History view to see all images uploaded by current user and associated contexts
- Timed automatic login feature
- 3 different colored themes
- Privacy feature to wipe all internal application images when a new user logs in
- Microsoft Azure implementation
Unnecessary considering this is a closed source project. I decided to include this section to reiterate that the link to the repository will lead to a 404 error.
- Username and password as standard
- 'Remember Me' option, which is set to remember the user for 30 days
- User detection built in
- If the current user logging in is not the previous user which was logged in, the application will purge all data from the previous user
- Checks with tags database to make sure user has the latest tags
- Permissions status
- Will inform the user if GPS, Wifi or camera functionality has been blocked
- If permissions are not correct, displays button to take user to their settings to change those permissions
- Displays images to be uploaded
- Will only upload over Wifi, unless setting is changed on Settings Page
- Clears the entire queue with single button
- Clears individual items
- Shows larger image if image is selected
- Image selection
- Selection from user's personal photos
- Selection from images taken within the application
- Allows selection of images from either/both previously mentioned categories
- Tag selection
- Multiple tags can be selected for bulk uploading
- Correctness check
- Will not allow user to upload photos if tags have not been selected
- Will not allow user to upload photos if photos have not been selected
- I wish one of those cars were mine!
In this demonstration you will see:
- Selecting a photo from the internal library
- Selecting photos from the user's photo library
- Selecting a context and adding a 'testing' description
- Selecting another context and leaving it blank
- Sending the images to the upload queue
- Dual functionality
- Scenario 1: If user has not selected any tags, images taken within the application will be placed within the application photo library
- Scenario 2: IF user has selected tags, images taken within the application will be placed within the application photo library and sent directly to the upload queue
- Opens the camera to take images
- Records GPS coordinates to send to the tags database
- Displays all images the current user has uploaded
- In the overview, the images are loaded as thumbnails for efficiency purposes both on the device and the Azure server
- When an image is selected, full image is loaded and user can view the tags the image was uploaded with
- Wifi only upload toggle
- Manages internal photo library by deleting images after 90 days, by default
- Allows theme selection
- 3 default themes
- Themes apply automatically, no need to restart
If it breaks, you can keep both pieces.