Appium-TDD-Framework designed and developped for automating mobile applications on both Android and iOS platforms using Java programming language. This framework leverages the power of Appium, an open-source tool for automating mobile applications, to provide a robust and scalable testing solution.
- Programming Language : Java
- Test Framework : TestNG
- Built Tool : Maven
- Desing Pattern : Page Object Model (POM)
- Extras : Configured to automate local emulator (for android) as well as
Sauce Labs
cloud android device
- Appium installation
- Install Node.js if not already installed
- Install appium and appium-doctor using npm
- Install UIAutomator2 driver using appium
Clone the repository
git clone
CD into cloned directory
cd /appium-automation
Create .env file with following key value pairs
SAUCE_USERNAME=<your_sauce_labs_username> SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<your_sauce_labs_access_key> SAUCE_URL=<your_sauce_labs_appium_server_url>
Run the Maven command and start the automation
mvn clean test -Denvironment=cloud or mvn clean test -Denvironment=local # if you have setup emulator