Allows you to make sure you are using the right PGP key by entering a Namecoin ID (id/ namespace) in your favorite keyserver client (PGP software) and getting a secure fingerprint from the Namecoin blockchain.
How it works
Namecoin PGP Key Handler mimics a standard PGP keyserver locally using the OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver Protocol (HKP). It adds functionality to request PGP keys for Namecoin IDs via a long fingerprint saved in the name value. This can be done through any application that can query a keyserver, e.g. Enigmail. By doing so you can make quite sure you are using the right PGP key. Standard (non Namecoin) PGP key requests will be passed through to a standard PGP keyserver.
Current features
- will do exact match lookups on id/
- will take a long (>40 characters) key fingerprint from the value field '/gpg/fpr' or '/fpr'
- will download keys from the location specified in the value or from a standard keyserver
- will proxy normal lookups to a standard keyserver
- can be run as plugin for Namecoin's NMControl or in standalone mode
- Known limitation: will not work with NMControl as global DNS provider (which is not a good idea anyway).
How to run
- run Namecoin Client (blockchain must be completely downloaded) or a drop in replacement (SPV client)
- Python 3 or Python 2.7.x must be installed (NMControl only works with Python 2.7.x)
in standalone mode:
- download: e.g.
git clone
- install requirements:
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
- run local server:
python ./ --serv
- or do a command line query
python ./ get id/phelix
- configuration by editing defaults in
as NMControl plugin:
- put into the NMControl subfolder 'plugin'
- launch NMControl (stop other instances first then launch e.g. from the command line with:
python ./ --debug=1
) - configuration via NMControl conf file plugin-keyServer.conf
- from PGP enabled eMail program (tested with Thunderbird) --> enigmail --> key management --> keyserver
- as keyserver enter (default)
- search for e.g. id/domob id/phelix id/jeremy
- you can also search for non id/ keys as usual
continued from
On Github:
License: MIT