Forked from Combining Argo CD (GitOps), Crossplane (Control Plane), And KubeVela (OAM)
This repo is showcasing:
- infrastructure, managed service and application deployment based on GitOps principles, and
- a split of responsibility between Dev and Platform teams.
- Remove Civo, Kuvela and Sealed-Secrets
- Upgrade Crossplane, AWS and Helm providers
- Script to update AWS credentials
- Add eksctl option for creating the control cluster
- Update composite resource definitions and compositions
- Update repo URLs and resource path
- Use EC2 t3a instances instead of t3 (avoid t4g arm64 architecture)
- Change region to eu-central-1
- Import and reference existing AWS managed resources
- Add permission boundary to IAM roles
- Require AWS account number in the Cluster XRD
- Create 3 compositions for AWS EKS clusters
- outside accounts with public subnets
- inside accounts with intranet subnets
- inside accounts with private subnets (default composition)
- Add readme files to various directories
- Add script to retrieve AWS inventory
- Create managed resource manifest for NAT instance (private subnet -> intranet)
- Test the whole thing
- Helm 3.7
- Microk8s 1.23 (control cluster)
- ArgoCD 2.21
- Crossplane 1.6
- AWS provider 0.22
- Helm provider 0.9
- AWS EKS 1.21