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Checkout donations platform built on Solana Pay

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Dona is a checkout donations platform built on Solana Pay

Project Description

Dona is a checkout donations platform built on Solana Pay. Using Dona, merchants can set up a checkout donation campaign that smoothly integrates into their existing Solana Pay checkout flow to enable charitable donations. With flexible integration options, plug-and-play React components, no-code configuration settings, and analytics, we make it easy for merchants to showcase their values, support their community, and do good for the world.

Why we built it

Traditional checkout donation systems (e.g. round-up-and-donate at the grocery store) generate over $605 M annually in charitable giving. However, by running on traditional payment rails, traditional checkout donations suffer from issues such as high merchant processing fees, slow settlement of time-sensitive funds, limited transparency on donation delivery, and limited accessibility. With the new Solana Pay rails, we see an opportunity to reimagine and improve the checkout donations experience for merchants, consumers, and donation recipients alike.

The Dona Platform

The Dona platform consists of the following components:

  • donations-api: API endpoints used to integrate Dona into a Solana Pay checkout flow
  • donations-component: ready-to-use React component that uses Dona's Donations API
  • merchant-portal: web app for merchants to configure the donation options presented at checkout and to access metadata and analytics
  • recipient-portal: web app for donation recipients to access metadata and analytics
  • consumer-portal: web app for consumers to access metadata and analytics
  • server: backend logic for the API and the merchant, recipient, and consumer portals
  • checkout-demo: mock e-commerce checkout page to showcase the Donations Component

Integrating Dona Into A Checkout Flow

Dona's Donations API and Donations Component are used to present customers with an option to donate in the checkout flow for a e-commerce store or a point-of-sale kiosk using Solana Pay.

Quick Start

Install the Donations API and the Donations Component.

npm config set '@riptide-dona:registry'
npm i riptide-dona-api @riptide-dona/react-components.ui.donation-component

Render the Donation Component in the checkout flow by passing in the merchant's public key and the purchase subtotal (pre-donation) in cents as props.

import  *  as  React  from  'react';
import  DonationComponent  from  '@riptide-dona/react-components.ui.donation-component';

function Example(props) {
	const { merchantPublicKey, purchaseCents } = props;
	const [selectedOption, setSelectedOption] = React.useState();
	return (

After the customer selects a donation using the Donation Component, selectedOption contains information that supports two use cases of Solana Pay:

Use either of these to present the donation to the customer. See Solana Pay's Merchant Integration for an example.

Note: As of 3/17/22, Transaction Requests have not been officially released by Solana Pay, so Transaction Requests have been implemented using the unmerged pull request code.

// pay the donation recipient separately

// split a single payment between merchant and donation recipient

After the customer completes the transaction, mark the donation complete using the merchant's public key and the selectedOption set by the Donation Component.

import { markDonationComplete } from  'riptide-dona-api';

const onTransactionVerified = (merchantPublicKey, selectedOption) => {
	markDonationComplete(merchantPublicKey, selectedOption);

Donation Options

A Donation Option contains information about a specific donation a customer could perform. It consists of the following fields:

  • type: the type of Donation Option, which is one of the following values:

    • roundup: the donation round the purchase up to the nearest dollar
    • fixed: the donation is a fixed amount
    • input: the donation amount is entered by the customer using an input field
  • recipient: an object representing the recipient of the donation, which consists of the following fields:

    • public_key: the public key of the recipient's wallet
    • name: the name of the recipient
    • description: a description of the recipient
  • donation_cents: the amount of the donation in cents, if the type of the Donation Option is input the value represents the default amount of the donation in cents

  • purchase_cents: the amount of pre-donation subtotal

  • transaction_cents: the amount of the total purchase including the donation

  • donation_transfer_request: an object containing information necessary to implement Solana Pay's Transfer Request Specification, consisting of the following fields (which may be overridden if the developer so chooses):

    • recipient: the public key of the recipient's wallet
    • amount: the amount of the transfer in units of the SPL token (Note that this is only the donation amount, not the total amount inclusive of the donation amount)
    • spl_token: the address of the SPL token used for the transfer
    • reference: randomly generated public key that can be used as a unique identifier for the transaction
    • label: URL-encoded UTF-8 string of the form 'Confirm donation to (recipient name)'
    • message: URL-encoded UTF-8 string of the form 'Donation of (amount) USDC to (recipient name)'
    • url: A Solana Pay transfer request URL combining the information in the previous fields. If no overrides are needed for the previous fields, a developer can use this URL directly as a link to pay the donation recipient.
  • donation_transaction_request: an object containing information necessary to implement Solana Pay's Transaction Request Specification, consisting of the following fields (which may be overridden if the developer so chooses):

    • link: URL for the wallet to POST to in order to access the serialized Solana transaction which splits the payment between merchant and donation recipient respectively
    • label: URL-encoded UTF-8 string of the form 'Confirm purchase including donation to (recipient name)
    • message: URL-encoded UTF-8 string of the form 'Your purchase includes a (donation amount) donation to (recipient name)'
    • url: A Solana Pay transaction request URL combining the information in the previous fields. If no overrides are needed for the previous fields, a developer can use this URL directly as a link to pay both the merchant and the donation recipient with a single payment.

Note: As of 3/17/22, Transaction Requests have not been officially released by Solana Pay, so Transaction Requests have been implemented using the unmerged pull request code.

Donation Configurations

A Donation Configuration contains information about the options to donate presented to the customer at checkout. It consists of the following fields:

  • name: the name of the configuration as assigned by the merchant
  • type: the type of Donation Configuration, which is one of the following values:
    • single: the Donation Configuration contains a single Donation Option
    • multi_type: the Donation Configuration contains multiple Donation Options that all have the same recipient but are all different types
    • multi-recipient: the Donation Configuration contains multiple Donation Options that all different recipients but are the same type
    • custom: the Donation Configuration contains multiple Donation Options with potentially different recipients and different types
  • options: a list of Donation Options

Donations API Specification


  • Purpose
    • fetch the merchant's active configuration
  • Inputs
    • merchantPublicKey: the public key of the merchant's wallet used to log in to the merchant portal
    • purchaseCents: the amount of the purchase subtotal (pre-donation) in cents
  • Output
    • active_config the active Donation Configuration for the merchant, null if inputs are invalid


  • Purpose
    • mark a donation complete after the customer completes the transaction, to allow for accurate analytics and metadata
  • Inputs
    • merchantPublicKey: the public key of the merchant's wallet used to log in to the merchant portal
    • selectedOption: the Donation Option used for the donation
    • merchantTransactionId: (optional) a unique identifier to label this donation
    • consumerPublicKey: (optional) the public key of the customer's wallet
  • Output
    • None

Donations Component Specification

The Donations Component is a React component that displays the options to donate to the customer. The Donations Component fetches and renders the merchant's Donation Configuration based on the public key and purchase amount provided. Usage of the Donations Component is optional and typically makes calling getDonationConfig unnecessary. The component is implemented with Material UI and can be themed accordingly.


  • merchantPublicKey: the public key of the merchant's wallet used to log in to the merchant portal
  • purchaseCents: the amount of the purchase subtotal (pre-donation) in cents
  • setSelectedOption: the setState function of a React state hook, which will be called with the correct Donation Option when the customer selects a non-zero donation
  • configOverride: (optional) a Donation Configuration to render. When present, merchantPublicKey and purchaseCents are ignored.

Local Setup Instructions

Dona consists of a React app frontend, Flask App backend, and PostgreSQL database. Follow the instructions below in order to demo Dona's functionality on a local machine.

PostgreSQL Setup

Set up a local PostgreSQL db.

Once PostgreSQL is installed, create the database for the application within postgresql: CREATE DATABASE dona;

Flask App Setup

  1. Navigate to the /server directory
  2. Install virtualenv: pip install virtualenv
  3. Create virtualenv: virtualenv venv
  4. Activate virtualenv: source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Set environment variables e.g. export SECRET_KEY=foo && export DATABASE_URI=postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/dona && export FLASK_ENV=development && export APP_BASE_URL=
  7. Apply database migrations: flask db upgrade
  8. Set an env variable with the public key of a wallet (e.g. Phantom) you want to log into the merchant dashboard with e.g. export MERCHANT_DEMO_KEY=9ZNTfG4NyQgxy2SWjSiQoUyBPEvXT2xo7fKc5hPYYJ7b. Make sure that you have access to this wallet, otherwise wallet adapter will not work when you try to log in.
  9. Generate some dummy demo data to populate the dashboard: python
  10. Run app: flask run

React App Setup

The Donations API and Donations Component can be used with just the PostgreSQL and Flask App server running.

To demo the merchant, recipient, or consumer portals, or the checkout demo, use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the directory of the React App (e.g. cd merchant-portal
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm start

For the Checkout Demo, to load the active configuration of a merchant account, add the environment variable REACT_APP_MERCHANT_PUBLIC_KEY containing the value of the merchant wallet's public key.



Checkout donations platform built on Solana Pay






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