A simple program that opens a window with a black background and a white square that you can move with the arrow keys. I wanted to test Go's interop with C and its Webassembly capabilities.
I used emoon's minifb for the desktop version. I've only built it for Mac but it should work on Windows, Linux and FreeBSD as these platforms are supported by minifb.
I used tinygo to build the web version
clone recursively with:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/phillvancejr/golang-moving-square.git
For mac you can use the makefile provided. Minifb uses CMake so you need that in your path.
make minifb
make desktop
The platform defaults to mac, so if you're on a different unix you should pass the platform and the cmake flags to make minifb, for example
make minifb platform=linux cmake_flags='-DUSE_WAYLAND_API=OFF'
For other desktop OS' look at minifb's build instructions
In minifb.go add #cgo <os> LDFLAGS: -Ldeps/<os> -lminifb
#cgo CFLAGS: -Ideps/minifb/include
#cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -Ldeps/mac -lminifb
#cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -framework MetalKit -framework Metal -framework Cocoa
#cgo <os> LDFLAGS: -Ldeps/<os> -lminifb
#include <MiniFB.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
You need tinygo in your path of course, then if using the makefile
make web
make server
The server defaults to port 8000 but you can pass another port on the command line
Just use the arrow keys to move around and escape key to close the window on desktop