Turn this:
into a machine readable dataset. (This is really unofficial. YMMV.)
git clone https://github.com/philshem/gmaps_popular_times_scraper.git
cd gmaps_popular_times_scraper
Install required packages (selenium and beautifulsoup4)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Modify these lines in the code config.py
to point to your path of Chrome and chromedriver.
CHROME_BINARY_LOCATION = '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome'
CHROMEDRIVER_BINARY_LOCATION = '/usr/local/bin/chromedriver'
Chromedriver downloads are here. Make sure you use the version that matches your Chrome version.
Run the scraper by putting a URL as the system argument:
python3 scrape_gm.py "$URL_TO_CSV"
or specifically for a list of URLs stored in a google sheet
python3 scrape_gm.py "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/{sheet_id}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={sheet_name}"
The URL should point to any CSV (local or http) that has as the first column a valid google maps url. For example, a valid google maps URL:
Or a shortened one is also valid:
Note that the html page source can be saved to the folder html/
by setting the parameter in config.py
. If the html files are saved as cache, with a timestamp for when they were retrieved, and can be cleaned out once in a while. Logs are saved to logs/
, which makes an archive of the URLs retrieved based on the CSV input file.
The output data (sample_output.csv) has this structure (abbreviated):
All technical timestamps, for example 20200318_163629
, are in the machine's time. The hour from the column hour_of_day
is in the local time of the mapped place.
Data in csv format is saved to data/
. You can use the code (csv2sql.py) to convert to a SQLite3 database. Or this awk command to take all individual CSVs for each place and time, and write to one big CSV called all.csv
awk 'FNR==NR||FNR>2' data/*.csv > all.csv
And to visualize the data for a week of one Kebab shop in Zürich (note that Friday at 12 is max crowd!)