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Testing a single username with many passwords

Philip OKeefe edited this page Jul 27, 2016 · 2 revisions

Grab a password list or create a file containing the passwords to test. Shard expects the file to contain one password per line, for example given a file at /tmp/passwords.txt

~ cat /tmp/passwords.txt
➜  ~

We can see a file containing 3 passwords. Pass the username you own to the program using -u and a path to the passwords file using -f like so:

~ java -jar shard-1.5.jar -u [email protected] -f /tmp/passwords.txt
21:40:09.965 [+] Running in single-user multi-password mode
21:40:10.016 [+] Parsed 3 passwords
21:40:10.016 [+] Running 12 modules
21:40:20.894 [+] [email protected]:123456 - No results
21:40:28.413 [+] [email protected]:password - No results
21:40:35.734 [+] [email protected]:love - No results
➜  ~

Shard by default loads all modules and tries each username-password combination for each module. Shard did not find any valid passwords for this user.