SAPmon reads in output of CCMS function calls on a SAP system and converts it to metrics consumable by telegrafs exec input plugin.
Use the makefile from the repository:
make all
You could also build only for specific operating system:
make build_windows
make build_linux
Currently there are the following function call outputs supported:
- GetAlertTree
- GetProcessList
Issue the following command as SIDadm on the SAP system:
sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetAlertTree | ./sapmon
It prints out all metrics on STDOUT. This could be used in telegrafs exec input plugin:
commands = ["sudo su - SIDadm -c 'sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetAlertTree | /usr/local/bin/sapmon'"]
timeout = "30s"
data_format = "influx"
Adjust sudoers if necessary!
general flags:
- -m: Metric measurement name. Default: sapmon
- -r: Replace spaces in tag keys/values and field keys with delimiter, see also parameter d. Default: false
- -d: Delimiter to separate node names and replace spaces in tag keys/values and field keys, see also parameter r. Default: space
- -p: Name of tag where node path (GetAlertTree) or process list (GetProcessList is stored. If set to ROOT the name of the root node will be used. Default: ccms
- -v: Verbose output. Default: false
GetAlertTree function only:
- -n: Number of node which is our root to start from. Default: 0
- -t: Use timestamp from SAP AlertNode for metric. Default: false
- -u: Field keys for which the SAP AlertNode timestamp should be set. Options: string, float, all = other input. Default: all
See ./sapmon -h for more details.