The origin Tech Lead articles is need to delete. And now I working on build the tools for Tech Lead, welcome to join us.
A toolbox for better tech lead of Phodal
Soft Skills
- Team Development Model
- Scenario Leadership Model
- Flow
- Sweet Spot
- Culture Checklists
Dev Skills
- Dev Skills Checklists
- Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Theory
- Cone of uncertainty
- Stakeholder Mapping
- Six principles of influence
- Join New Team
Tech Lead can be a purely technical job, while others act as project managers. If you only look at the role of Lead with Tech, then it is:
- Architect, Technologist. Compared with the project manager and the technical manager, he/she not only focuses on the technical practice and progress of the project, but also has to solve the most complicated technical problems.
- Technical role model. Tech Lead is more like a spiritual “leader” who needs to let other people in the project see the way forward.
- Developer. He/she takes time to write code in the project, which, as defined in the training, takes at least 30% of the time to write. First, master a series of technologies related to the project; second, continue to improve technical capabilities, rather than become managers.
In addition to technical work, he/she also needs to understand the business in order to develop software that meets business needs. There is also a need to manage risk (mainly technology-related risks) in order to respond to changes.
Tech Lead 可以是一个纯粹的技术岗位,有的则还要充当项目经理的职责。如果只以 Tech 来看待 Lead 这个角色,那么它是:
- 架构师、技术专家。与项目经理,技术管理者相比,他/她不仅仅关注于项目的技术实践和进度,还得去解决那些最复杂的技术问题。
- 技术榜样。Tech Lead 更像是一个精神 “领袖”,他/她需要让项目中的其他/她人看到前进的方向。
- 开发人员。他/她在项目中抽取时间来编写代码,如 在培训上所定义的那样,至少需要 30% 的时间来编写。一来,掌握项目相关的一系列技术;二来,不断提升技术能力,而不是成为管理者。
ADR - Architecture Decision Records in Node.js with Reporter, supported Windows, GNU/Linux, macOS.
TLA - Tech Lead Assessments Radar
Path - Path To Production
SkillTree - A SkillTree of Junior Developers
TechStack - A Radar for Projects' Toolbox
Checklist: TBD
SkillWheel - A SkillWheel of Organzation's usage
后端体系规划指南 -
Architecture of backend development efficiency
Screenshot TBD
前端体系规划指南 -
Architecture of Frontend Development Efficiency
Screenshot TBD
中文(Chinese)见:Tech Lead 相关文章
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