OpenVisionLibrary : Version 0.0
A Open source platform for developement and learning of image processing and computer vision algorithms. Focus will be to develope modular,object oriented approach and scalable architecture for computer vision application.
It is attempt at a opensource C/C++ Library developed in C/C++ using OpenCV,Eigen etc providing modular interface for image processing,computer vision,machine learning applications.
In the initial version a high level interface to opencv libraries will be developed and with time the opencv interface will be replaced with sutiable alternatives.
OpenCv has a large repository but most of code is difficult to interpret due to lack of comments and no implementation detail at all. This platform will focus on documentation of algorithms and implementation details so that it can also serve as a good learning platform.
The code consists of 16841 lines of code as of 1st March 2014
Following Models are currently present in OpenVisionLibrary
Feature Detectors : Fast,Harris Corner,Good Feature to Track Fast3d,Harris3D
SubPixel Corner Localization
Feature Descriptors HOG - Histogram of oriented gradients ,LBP -Local Binary Pattern,Random Ferns
Temporal Filters
Integral Images
Contrast Stretching,Tan and Triggs Illumination normalization,Gamma Correction,Color Constancy algorithms : gray world,shades of gray,gray edge,max edge,max RGB
Multi Threshold Canny edge detection
Linear Channel Filters
Fast 2D symmetric/Asymmmetric convolution
Line segment detector
Histogram Computation and Backprojection
Seeded Region growing - Stack Based Implementation
Polynomial Image Basis Representation
Tracking Based on Random Ferns
Mean Shift Tracking
Discrete Emission Time Hidden markov model for sequence Classification
Continuous Hidden markov model for sequence Classification
Logistic Regression Classifier
Dense optical flow using polynomial basis
ARM Neon Optimization
- Deinterlacing and Interlacing
Topics in progress
- Visual odometry
- Sparse Optical Flow Tracking
- LibSVM API in C/C++
- Circle Detection using RANSAC
- Rotationally Invariant object detection Framwork
- Mean flow tracker
- Mean Shift Tracking using histogram similarity
- Maximum Entropy Markov Models for Sequence classification
- K Means Clustering Algorithm
- Gaussian Mixture Models and EM Algorithm
- HMM Training Using Vitrebi training
- HMM Training using Bahum Welch algorithm
some of the documentation can be found on blog : http://[email protected] and doc repostitory can be found at can be found at