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pierreliefauche committed Apr 3, 2012
0 parents commit 9399373
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Showing 2 changed files with 274 additions and 0 deletions.
Empty file added README
Empty file.
274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions htmlentities.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
var specialCharacters = {
'quot': '0022',
'amp': '0026',
'apos': '0027',
'lt': '003C',
'gt': '003E',
'nbsp': '00A0',
'iexcl': '00A1',
'cent': '00A2',
'pound': '00A3',
'curren': '00A4',
'yen': '00A5',
'brvbar': '00A6',
'sect': '00A7',
'uml': '00A8',
'copy': '00A9',
'ordf': '00AA',
'laquo': '00AB',
'not': '00AC',
'shy': '00AD',
'reg': '00AE',
'macr': '00AF',
'deg': '00B0',
'plusmn': '00B1',
'sup2': '00B2',
'sup3': '00B3',
'acute': '00B4',
'micro': '00B5',
'para': '00B6',
'middot': '00B7',
'cedil': '00B8',
'sup1': '00B9',
'ordm': '00BA',
'raquo': '00BB',
'frac14': '00BC',
'frac12': '00BD',
'frac34': '00BE',
'iquest': '00BF',
'Agrave': '00C0',
'Aacute': '00C1',
'Acirc': '00C2',
'Atilde': '00C3',
'Auml': '00C4',
'Aring': '00C5',
'AElig': '00C6',
'Ccedil': '00C7',
'Egrave': '00C8',
'Eacute': '00C9',
'Ecirc': '00CA',
'Euml': '00CB',
'Igrave': '00CC',
'Iacute': '00CD',
'Icirc': '00CE',
'Iuml': '00CF',
'ETH': '00D0',
'Ntilde': '00D1',
'Ograve': '00D2',
'Oacute': '00D3',
'Ocirc': '00D4',
'Otilde': '00D5',
'Ouml': '00D6',
'times': '00D7',
'Oslash': '00D8',
'Ugrave': '00D9',
'Uacute': '00DA',
'Ucirc': '00DB',
'Uuml': '00DC',
'Yacute': '00DD',
'THORN': '00DE',
'szlig': '00DF',
'agrave': '00E0',
'aacute': '00E1',
'acirc': '00E2',
'atilde': '00E3',
'auml': '00E4',
'aring': '00E5',
'aelig': '00E6',
'ccedil': '00E7',
'egrave': '00E8',
'eacute': '00E9',
'ecirc': '00EA',
'euml': '00EB',
'igrave': '00EC',
'iacute': '00ED',
'icirc': '00EE',
'iuml': '00EF',
'eth': '00F0',
'ntilde': '00F1',
'ograve': '00F2',
'oacute': '00F3',
'ocirc': '00F4',
'otilde': '00F5',
'ouml': '00F6',
'divide': '00F7',
'oslash': '00F8',
'ugrave': '00F9',
'uacute': '00FA',
'ucirc': '00FB',
'uuml': '00FC',
'yacute': '00FD',
'thorn': '00FE',
'yuml': '00FF',
'OElig': '0152',
'oelig': '0153',
'Scaron': '0160',
'scaron': '0161',
'Yuml': '0178',
'fnof': '0192',
'circ': '02C6',
'tilde': '02DC',
'Alpha': '0391',
'Beta': '0392',
'Gamma': '0393',
'Delta': '0394',
'Epsilon': '0395',
'Zeta': '0396',
'Eta': '0397',
'Theta': '0398',
'Iota': '0399',
'Kappa': '039A',
'Lambda': '039B',
'Mu': '039C',
'Nu': '039D',
'Xi': '039E',
'Omicron': '039F',
'Pi': '03A0',
'Rho': '03A1',
'Sigma': '03A3',
'Tau': '03A4',
'Upsilon': '03A5',
'Phi': '03A6',
'Chi': '03A7',
'Psi': '03A8',
'Omega': '03A9',
'alpha': '03B1',
'beta': '03B2',
'gamma': '03B3',
'delta': '03B4',
'epsilon': '03B5',
'zeta': '03B6',
'eta': '03B7',
'theta': '03B8',
'iota': '03B9',
'kappa': '03BA',
'lambda': '03BB',
'mu': '03BC',
'nu': '03BD',
'xi': '03BE',
'omicron': '03BF',
'pi': '03C0',
'rho': '03C1',
'sigmaf': '03C2',
'sigma': '03C3',
'tau': '03C4',
'upsilon': '03C5',
'phi': '03C6',
'chi': '03C7',
'psi': '03C8',
'omega': '03C9',
'thetasym': '03D1',
'upsih': '03D2',
'piv': '03D6',
'ensp': '2002',
'emsp': '2003',
'thinsp': '2009',
'zwnj': '200C',
'zwj': '200D',
'lrm': '200E',
'rlm': '200F',
'ndash': '2013',
'mdash': '2014',
'lsquo': '2018',
'rsquo': '2019',
'sbquo': '201A',
'ldquo': '201C',
'rdquo': '201D',
'bdquo': '201E',
'dagger': '2020',
'Dagger': '2021',
'bull': '2022',
'hellip': '2026',
'permil': '2030',
'prime': '2032',
'Prime': '2033',
'lsaquo': '2039',
'rsaquo': '203A',
'oline': '203E',
'frasl': '2044',
'euro': '20AC',
'image': '2111',
'weierp': '2118',
'real': '211C',
'trade': '2122',
'alefsym': '2135',
'larr': '2190',
'uarr': '2191',
'rarr': '2192',
'darr': '2193',
'harr': '2194',
'crarr': '21B5',
'lArr': '21D0',
'uArr': '21D1',
'rArr': '21D2',
'dArr': '21D3',
'hArr': '21D4',
'forall': '2200',
'part': '2202',
'exist': '2203',
'empty': '2205',
'nabla': '2207',
'isin': '2208',
'notin': '2209',
'ni': '220B',
'prod': '220F',
'sum': '2211',
'minus': '2212',
'lowast': '2217',
'radic': '221A',
'prop': '221D',
'infin': '221E',
'ang': '2220',
'and': '2227',
'or': '2228',
'cap': '2229',
'cup': '222A',
'int': '222B',
'there4': '2234',
'sim': '223C',
'cong': '2245',
'asymp': '2248',
'ne': '2260',
'equiv': '2261',
'le': '2264',
'ge': '2265',
'sub': '2282',
'sup': '2283',
'nsub': '2284',
'sube': '2286',
'supe': '2287',
'oplus': '2295',
'otimes': '2297',
'perp': '22A5',
'sdot': '22C5',
'lceil': '2308',
'rceil': '2309',
'lfloor': '230A',
'rfloor': '230B',
'lang': '27E8',
'rang': '27E9',
'loz': '25CA',
'spades': '2660',
'clubs': '2663',
'hearts': '2665',
'diams': '2666'

var replaceByName = function(all, name) {
return replaceByCode(all, specialCharacters[name]);

var replaceByCode = function(all, code) {
var character;
if (code) eval("character = '\\u"+code+"'");
return character || all;

var decode = function(s) {
s = s.replace(/&([a-zA-Z]{2,8});/g, replaceByName);
s = s.replace(/&#([xX0-9a-fA-F]+);/g, replaceByCode);
return s;

exports.decode = decode;

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