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An arbitrary-precision Decimal class type for PHP

Latest Version on Packagist Software License

This library is similar to decimal.js, all business logic credits and copyrights go to Michael Mclaughlin and yours contributors.

The piggly/php-decimal is fully compatible with PHP and so fast as decimal.js library. See below all features attached to it.


This library is mainly composed by Decimal class. A Decimal is composed by coefficients, exponent and sign. It can handle integer and float values with an arbitrary-precision.

Here precision is specified in terms of significant digits rather than decimal places, and all calculations are rounded to the precision (similar to Python's decimal module) rather than just those involving division.

This library also adds the trigonometric functions, among others, and supports non-integer powers, which makes it a significantly larger library.

  • Integers and floats;
  • Simple but full-featured API;
  • Replicates many of the native math methods;
  • Also handles hexadecimal, binary and octal values;
  • Faster and easier to use than another PHP libraries;
  • No dependencies or requirements;
  • Comprehensive documentation and test set.


Decimal can handle integers, floats, strings and Decimal objects:

$w = new Decimal(123);
$x = new Decimal(123.4567);
$y = new Decimal('123456.7e-3');
$z = new Decimal($x);

A value can also be in binary, hexadecimal or octal if the appropriate prefix is included:

$w = new Decimal('0xff.f');		// '255.9375'
$x = new Decimal('0b10101100');	// '172'

A Decimal is immutable in the sense that it is not changed by its methods, always returning a new object.

$x = new Decimal(0.3);

$x->minus(0.1);						// $x is still 0.3
$y = $x->minus(0.1)->minus(0.1);	// $x is still 0.3 and $y is 0.1

All methods which returns Decimal values can be chained.


Many method names have a shorter alias.

$x->squareRoot()->dividedBy($y)->toPower(3)->equals($x->sqrt()->div($y)->pow(3))	// true
$x->cmp($y->mod($z)->neg()) == 1 && x->comparedTo($y->modulo($z)->negated()) == 1	// true

There are many ways to convert a Decimal to an string,

$x = new Decimal(255.5);

$x->toExponential(5)  // '2.55500e+2'
$x->toFixed(5)        // '255.50000'
$x->toPrecision(5)    // '255.50'
$x->valueOf()         // '255.5'

and almost all methods are available as static.

Decimal::sqrtOf('6.98372465832e+9823')      // '8.3568682281821340204e+4911'
Decimal::powOf(2, 0.0979843)                // '1.0702770511687781839'

Decimal can handle with INF and NAN values.

$x = new Decimal(INF);     // INF
$y = new Decimal(NAN);     // NAN

There are many methods to do any checks to Decimal.

$x->isCountless()    // If it is INF or NAN
$x->isFinite()       // If it is a finite number
$x->isInfinite()     // If it is an infinite number
$x->isInt()          // If it is an integer
$x->isNaN()          // If it is NAN
$x->isNegative()     // If it is negative
$x->isNulled()       // If it is INF, NAN or Zero
$x->isPositive()     // If it is positive
$x->isZero()         // If it is zero

By the way, there is a toFraction method with an optional maximum denominator argument.

$z = new Decimal(355);
$pi = $z->dividedBy(113);        // '3->1415929204'
$pi->toFraction();               // [ '7853982301', '2500000000' ]
$pi->toFraction(1000);           // [ '355', '113' ]

All calculations are rounded according to the number of significant digits and rounding mode specified by the precision and rounding properties of the DecimalConfig object.

Each Decimal class is associated to a DecimalConfig. It may be the global configuration, or a custom configuration to that specific decimal number.

For advanced usage, multiple Decimal can be created, each with their own independent configuration which applies to all Decimal numbers created from it.

// Set the precision and rounding of the global instance, 
// applies to all Decimal objects without configurations attached to it.
DecimalConfig::instance()->set([ 'precision' => 5, 'rounding' => 4 ]);

$decimal9 = DecimalConfig::clone()->set([ 'precision' => 9, 'rounding' => 1 ]);

$x = new Decimal(5);
$y = new Decimal(5, $decimal9);

$x->div(3);     // '1.6667'
$y->div(3);     // '1.66666666'

// $decimal9 applies to all `Decimal` numbers 
// created from $y in this case
$y->div(3)->times(1.5) // '2.50000000'

The value of a Decimal object is stored in a floating point format in terms of its digits, exponent and sign.

$x = new Decimal(-12345.67);

$x->getDigits();          // [ 12345, 6700000 ]    digits (base 10000000)
$x->getExponent();        // 4                     exponent (base 10)
$x->getSign();            // -1                    sign

For further information see the API reference in the docs directory, for now you may go to decimal.js API since this library is fully compatible with it.



  1. At you console, in your project folder, type composer require piggly/php-decimal;
  2. Don't forget to add Composer's autoload file at your code base require_once('vendor/autoload.php);.

Manual install

  1. Download or clone with repository with git clone;
  2. After, goes to cd /path/to/piggly/php-decimal;
  3. Install all Composer's dependencies with composer install;
  4. Add project's autoload file at your code base require_once('/path/to/piggly/php-decimal/vendor/autoload.php);.


The library has the following external dependencies:

  • PHP 7.3+.


In code, there annotations @todo with some improvements that this library may need.


See the CHANGELOG file for information about all code changes.

Testing the code

This library uses the PHPUnit. We carry out tests of all the main classes of this application.


You must always run tests with PHP 7.3 and greater. Any changes at this library need to pass of all oldest and newests tests.

!! Some tests are heavy, be careful while testing them, they may require huge memory available.


See the CONTRIBUTING file for information before submitting your contribution.


Support the project

Piggly Studio is an agency located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. If you like this library and want to support this job, be free to donate any value to BTC wallet 3DNssbspq7dURaVQH6yBoYwW3PhsNs8dnK ❤.


MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.


An arbitrary-precision Decimal type for PHP.







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