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tombell edited this page Dec 5, 2011 · 19 revisions

Partychat-hooks is a service for hooking into Partychat.

You should report any issues or submit any pull requests to the Partychat-hooks adapter repository.

Getting Started

First you will need to edit the package.json for your hubot and add the hubot-partychat-hooks adapter dependency.

"dependencies": {
  "hubot-partychat-hooks": ">= 0.0.1",
  "hubot": ">= 2.0.0",

Then save the file, and commit the changes to your hubot's git repository.

You will also need to change the process type in the Procfile from app to web as Heroku requires this for a HTTP server to listen for requests.

If deploying to Heroku you will need to edit the Procfile and change the -a campfire option to -a partychat-hooks. Or if you're deploying locally you will need to use -a partychat-hooks when running your hubot.

Configuring the Adapter

The Partychat-Hooks adapter requires only the following environment variables.


Partychat-Hooks Post Endpoint

Log into Partychat-Hooks and create a hook for your chat room. Create a new Post Hook and enter the following as the body.


Make a note of the HTTP endpoint, you will need this for hubot.

Create a new Receive Hook and enter * as the command sequence, and the address including port that hubot will run on as the HTTP endpoint.

Configuring the variables on Heroku

% heroku config:add HUBOT_POST_ENDPOINT="..."

Configuring the variables on UNIX

% export HUBOT_POST_ENDPOINT="..."

Configuring the variables on Windows

Coming soon!