Alice O2 project software. Simulation and reconstruction software for the ALICE experiment at CERN based on ALFA and the FairRoot software.
Before compiling and installing AliceO2, the ALFA software must be installed by choosing either the full or the minimum installation.
Please be sure that your system has all the required libraries (as listed on FairSoft/DEPENDENCIES).
The full installation will install FairSoft, DDS, FairRoot and AliROOT
The installation:
- Needs a fast network connection
- Will take the development branches for all the above packages.
- Will install the Geant4 Data files
- Needs about 10 GBytes of disk space (8.1 for the source and objects files, etc and 2.2 GBytes for the installation)
- Install ALFA(FairSoft)
"alfa_src" is referred as the directory where the ALFA sources exist, you can specify an alternative name if you wish
git clone alfa_src
cd alfa_src
# 1) gcc (on Linux) 5) Clang (on OSX)
# 1) No Debug Info
# 2) Internet (install G4 files from internet)
# path: ~/AlFa
To run the tests do:
cd alfa_src/FairRoot/build_for_alfa/
make test
This installation will exclude:
- Simulation engines (Geant3/4)
- Event generators (Pythia6/8)
Edit the "recoonly.conf" file in alfa_src, and set your compiler and installation directory. (the use of ROOT 6 can be also specified here if needed!)
compiler= <your compiler>
SIMPATH_INSTALL= <ALFA_installation_dir>
- Install FairSoft
git clone alfa_src
cd alfa_src
./ recoonly.conf
- Install FairRoot
# Set the shell variable SIMPATH to the installation directory
export SIMPATH= ALFA_installation_dir
[setenv SIMPATH ALFA_installation_dir]
git clone -b dev
cd FairRoot
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="FairRoot_installation_dir" ..
make install
To run the tests do:
# To run test: make new shell, do not define SIMPATH
cd FairRoot/build
make test
Install the AliceO2 software
If ALFA was built using the minimum installation instructions above, AliceO2 will not include the simulation and reconstruction packages.
Set the variable SIMPATH to your ALFA/FairSoft installation directory
export SIMPATH=ALFA_installation_dir
export FAIRROOTPATH=FairRoot_installation_dir
git clone
cd AliceO2
mkdir build_o2
cd build_o2
cmake ../
# -DBUILD_DOXYGEN=ON ( add this option to cmake to generate the doxygen documentation)
. [or source config.csh]
To automatically generate documentation for the AliceO2 project using Doxygen, set the flag -DBUILD_DOXYGEN=ON when calling cmake; the doxygen documentation will then be generated when calling make. The generated html files can be found in the "doxygen/doc/html" subdirectory of the build directory.
Doxygen documantation is also available online here
To include custom DDS location in the compilation, provide DDS_PATH flag when calling cmake. For example:
cmake -DDDS_PATH="/home/username/DDS/0.11.27.g79f48d4/" ..
The documentation single entry point is here.
We use JIRA to track issues. Head here to create tickets.