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Welcome to Pinkary! Pinkary is a landing page for all your links and a place to connect with like-minded individuals without the noise.
Initially, it was created to help people share their links in a more organized way. In just 15 hours, we went from composer create-project
to production, and after 24 hours, we reached over 1,000 users.
The source code still shows some signs of the rush; that's why we think it's important to share it with you—so you can see how we've built it, combining fast pace given the circumstances with the quality we always aim for.
Over time, we've managed to add more features, such as feed, explore, questions, likes, and more. We've also improved the design, added tests, and improved the overall quality of the code. There is still a lot to do, but most importantly, there is a huge opportunity to make this a community-driven project.
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- Follow us on X at @PinkaryProject »
- Wish to contribute? Here is how:
Pinkary is a regular Laravel application; it's build on top of Laravel 11 and uses Livewire / Tailwind CSS for the frontend. If you are familiar with Laravel, you should feel right at home.
In terms of local development, you can use the following requirements:
- PHP 8.3 - with SQLite, GD, and other common extensions.
- Node.js 16 or more recent.
If you have these requirements, you can start by cloning the repository and installing the dependencies:
git clone
git checkout -b feat/your-feature # or fix/your-fix
Don't push directly to the
branch. Instead, create a new branch and push it to your branch.
Next, install the dependencies using Composer and NPM:
composer install
npm install
After that, set up your .env
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
Prepare your database and run the migrations:
touch database/database.sqlite
php artisan migrate
Link the storage to the public folder:
php artisan storage:link
In a separate terminal, build the assets in watch mode:
npm run dev
Also in a separate terminal, run the queue worker:
php artisan queue:work
Finally, start the development server:
php artisan serve
Note: By default, emails are sent to the
driver. You can change this in the.env
file to something likemailtrap
Once you are done with the code changes, be sure to run the test suite to ensure everything is still working:
composer test
If everything is green, push your branch and create a pull request:
git commit -am "Your commit message"
git push
Visit and create a pull request.
Pinkary uses a few tools to ensure the code quality and consistency. Of course, Pest is the testing framework of choice, and we also use PHPStan for static analysis. Pest's type coverage is at 100%, and the test suite is also at 100% coverage.
In terms of code style, we use Laravel Pint to ensure the code is consistent and follows the Laravel conventions. We also use Rector to ensure the code is up to date with the latest PHP version.
You run these tools individually using the following commands:
# Lint the code using Pint
composer lint
composer test:lint
# Refactor the code using Rector
composer refactor
composer test:refactor
# Run PHPStan
composer test:types
# Run the test suite
composer test:unit
# Run all the tools
composer test
Pull requests that don't pass the test suite will not be merged. So, as suggested on the Installation section, be sure to run the test suite before pushing your branch.
Pinkary is hosted on DigitalOcean and uses Laravel Forge to manage the server and deployments. The server is running on Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS) x64 and is a 2 vCPUs 2GB / 25GB Disk droplet.
The only service we use is Mailcoach to manage the send emails. Besides that, SQLite is used as database driver, sessions driver, queue driver, cache driver, etc.
Server backups are done daily by Digital Ocean.
Pinkary is an open-sourced software licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License