Python Zmanim library
This project is a port from Eliyahu Hershfeld's KosherJava project, with some Python niceties and other minor modifications.
Some common examples include...
# Initialize a new ZmanimCalendar object, defaults to using today's date in GMT, located at Greenwich, England
from zmanim.zmanim_calendar import ZmanimCalendar
calendar = ZmanimCalendar()
#=> zmanim.zmanim_calendar.ZmanimCalendar(candle_lighting_offset=18, geo_location=zmanim.util.geo_location.GeoLocation(name='Greenwich, England', latitude=51.4772, longitude=0.0, time_zone=tzfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT'), elevation=0.0), date=datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 26, 11, 40, 29, 334774), calculator=<zmanim.util.noaa_calculator.NOAACalculator object at 0x10bbf7710>)
# Calculate the sunset for today at that location
#=> datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 26, 18, 58, 40, 796469, tzinfo=tzfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT'))
# Prepare a new location
from zmanim.util.geo_location import GeoLocation
location = GeoLocation('Lakewood, NJ', 40.0721087, -74.2400243, 'America/New_York', elevation=15)
#=> zmanim.util.geo_location.GeoLocation(name='Lakewood, NJ', latitude=40.0721087, longitude=-74.2400243, time_zone=tzfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York'), elevation=15.0)
# Initialize a new ZmanimCalendar object, passing a specific location and date
from datetime import date
calendar = ZmanimCalendar(geo_location=location, date=date(2017, 12, 15))
#=> zmanim.zmanim_calendar.ZmanimCalendar(candle_lighting_offset=18, geo_location=zmanim.util.geo_location.GeoLocation(name='Lakewood, NJ', latitude=40.0721087, longitude=-74.2400243, time_zone=tzfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York'), elevation=15.0),, 12, 15), calculator=<zmanim.util.noaa_calculator.NOAACalculator object at 0x10bbf7828>)
# Calculate Sof Zman Krias Shma for that location/date per the opinion of GR"A
#=> datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 15, 9, 32, 9, 383390, tzinfo=tzfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York'))
# Initialize a new JewishDate object with today's date
from zmanim.hebrew_calendar.jewish_date import JewishDate
date = JewishDate()
#=> <zmanim.hebrew_calendar.jewish_date.JewishDate, 8, 26), jewish_date=(5778, 6, 15), day_of_week=1, molad_hours=0, molad_minutes=0, molad_chalakim=0>
# Calculate the JewishDate from 25 days ago
date - 25
#=> <zmanim.hebrew_calendar.jewish_date.JewishDate, 8, 1), jewish_date=(5778, 5, 20), day_of_week=4, molad_hours=0, molad_minutes=0, molad_chalakim=0>
# Initialize a new JewishCalendar object for Pesach of this Jewish calendar year
from zmanim.hebrew_calendar.jewish_calendar import JewishCalendar
pesach = JewishCalendar(date.jewish_year, 1, 15)
#=> <zmanim.hebrew_calendar.jewish_calendar.JewishCalendar in_israel=False,, 3, 31), jewish_date=(5778, 1, 15), day_of_week=7, molad_hours=0, molad_minutes=0, molad_chalakim=0>
#=> 'pesach'
#=> True
There is much more functionality included than demonstrated here. Feel free to experiment or read the source code to learn more!
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.