Matlab code for the project: soft RCM (remote center manipulator) teleoperation control. The project is featured as:
- Master Arm: MTM (Master Tool Manipulator) of dVRK (da Vinci Research Kit).
- Slave Arm: Flexiv 7 DOF arm + customized instrument servo mechanism
- Soft RCM control (in other words that we achieve the RCM fixed feature on general 7 DOF arm like PSM of dVRK by software instead of mechanism featured)
- Both simulation and physical servo are available
You need to run the code on Ubuntu with ROS installation. Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS melodic are recommended.
Install dVRK
You can refer to dvrk to install dvrk.
Setup Flexiv External Control
Here we give some detailed steps as recommendation:
- Open power of the controller box
- release e-stop button
- push the controller handle to external box ( there is a swtich on the left upper direction of handle).
- connect a LAN wire to your computer
You can test the connection by the following code. Dowload Flexiv_2_5. Extract it. And in the terminal run
cd Flexiv_V2.5/example ./ ./ExampleClient
The connection is ok if the code works fine.
Flexiv ROS Communication
Download TeleOp_WS
Download RCM Control code
git clone
We also offer offline simulation to quickly examine the control algorithm. To run offline simulation, you can open a Matlab, change directory to <your path>/soft-rcm-control/control
, and run the script: run_MTM_teleop_Flexiv_rcm_test.m
- Launch roscore in the terminal
- open a Matlab #1, change directory to
<your path>/soft-rcm-control/teleop
, and run in Matlab terminal.
It will send a ROS command of initial pose of Flexiv arm. And you can change the initial pose in the script.
- run flexiv ROS communication
source flexiv_teleop/devel/setup.bash
rosrun flexiv_teleop main
And the Flexiv arm will move to initial pose.
- run master arm
Run simulated MTM (If you do not have physical MTM)
source <dvrk-ws>/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch dvrk_robot dvrk_arm_rviz.launch arm:=MTML config:=/home/bmt_group/code/dvrk_2_1/src/cisst-saw/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/share/cuhk-daVinci-2-0/console-MTML-simulated.json
Run physical MTM:
roslaunch dvrk_robot dvrk_arm_rviz.launch arm:=MTML config:=/home/bmt_group/code/dvrk_2_1/src/cisst-saw/sawIntuitiveResearchKit/share/cuhk-daVinci-2-0/console-MTML-simulated.json
After popping out the console, click Home
button to move MTM to home position.
- Run Slave Arm in Simulation (Optional, if you do not have physical slave). In terminal
Flexiv simulation:
cd <path-to>/soft-rcm-control/simulator
Wrist Simulation
cd <path-to>/soft-rcm-control/simulator
- Open another Matlab #2 with another terminal, change directory to
<your path>/soft-rcm-control/teleop
, run controller in the matlab terminal
c = teleopRCM('MTML') # create controller
c.move_master_alignment() # will move MTM for alignment to reduce rotational tracking error
c.start() # will start controller
- Demos:
- Circular Trajectory Test
In Matlab #1, you run the script run_MTM_traj_test.m
in directory <your path>/soft-rcm-control/teleop
. Master and slave will run in the circular trajectory.
- Teleoperation by MTM
Use ROS or Matlab to send zero torque to MTM, so that it can be moved freely with gravity compensation. And then teleoperation works fine.