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Bump src/watchmaker/_vendor/pypa/get-pip from 3aeb098 to 17d6b0f in the gitsubmodule group #3415


Bump src/watchmaker/_vendor/pypa/get-pip in the gitsubmodule group

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Bump src/watchmaker/_vendor/pypa/get-pip from 3aeb098 to 17d6b0f in the gitsubmodule group #3415

Bump src/watchmaker/_vendor/pypa/get-pip in the gitsubmodule group
Select commit
Failed to load commit list.
Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request failed Oct 28, 2024 in 5m 33s

Build Failed

The build failed. This is a change from the previous build, which errored.


This is a pull request build.

It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #3415 Bump src/watchmaker/_vendor/pypa/get-pip from 3aeb098 to 17d6b0f in the gitsubmodule group.
Any changes that have been made to the main branch before the build ran are also included.

Jobs and Stages

This build has nine jobs, running in parallel.

Stage 1: test

This stage failed.

Job Python ENV OS State
9582.1 3.6 LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Linux passed
9582.2 3.7 LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Linux passed
9582.3 3.8 LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Linux passed
9582.4 3.9 LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Linux passed
9582.5 3.10 LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Linux passed
9582.6 3.11 LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Linux passed
9582.7 lint 3.11 LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Linux passed
9582.8 docs 3.11 LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Linux failed
9582.9 build standalone 3.11 LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Linux passed

Build Configuration

Build Option Setting
Language Python
Operating System Linux (Focal)
Python Versions 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11
Build Configuration
  "language": "python",
  "os": [
  "dist": "focal",
  "version": "~> 1.0",
  "git": {
    "depth": false
  "stages": [
      "name": "test"
      "name": "deploy"
  "env": [
    "global={:LD_PRELOAD=>\"/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/\"}={:SEGFAULT_SIGNALS=>\"all\"}={:RELEASE_VERSION=>\"$(grep -E '^current_version' $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.bumpversion.cfg | sed 's/^.*= //')\"}={:PRIOR_VERSION=>\"$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)\"}"
  "python": [
  "if": "branch = main OR type = pull_request OR tag is present",
  "before_install": [
    "export TOXENV=\"${TOXENV:-${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION%-dev}-codecov}\"",
    "echo $TOXENV",
    "python --version",
    "uname -a",
    "lsb_release -a"
  "install": [
    "pip install -r requirements/pip.txt",
    "pip install -r requirements/tox.txt",
    "curl | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring trustedkeys.gpg --import",
    "curl -Os",
    "curl -Os",
    "curl -Os",
    "gpgv codecov.SHA256SUM.sig codecov.SHA256SUM",
    "shasum -a 256 -c codecov.SHA256SUM",
    "chmod +x codecov",
    "sudo mv codecov /usr/local/bin",
    "virtualenv --version",
    "pip --version",
    "tox --version",
    "codecov --version"
  "script": [
    "tox -v"
  "before_script": [
    "if [[ \"$TRAVIS_BRANCH\" = \"main\" && \"$PRIOR_VERSION\" = \"$RELEASE_VERSION\" ]]; then\n  # not a release, so need to set the dev version for test pypi and standalones\n  # whether setup.cfg version has \"dev\" or not, it is added but not duplicated\n  ver=$(git show -s --format=%cd --date=format:'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')\n  sed -i -E \"s/^(version = )([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+).*$/\\1\\$ver/\" setup.cfg\nfi\n",
    "grep \"version = \" setup.cfg"
  "after_failure": [
    "more .tox/log/* | cat",
    "more .tox/*/log/* | cat"
  "notifications": {
    "email": [
        "on_success": "never",
        "on_failure": "always"
    "slack": [
        "rooms": [
            "secure": "nsbTI19SAiog6V6OnN1diYU2V3RIwtmY+IqV4uAvki87dQZteWU22/kQ0wI0OZAOzvEG3lLrc7ZGnbKh+IiH3QJkAwwHgtgC2zdzy6EGkjyEQpeAFUujaEHcRKEIpeAdtNpSUTrPsywdbnT6sO4XN/S7ZhSxS3TRmL2Wi399i36/D0T7gt/GAcPdxrFKwZ20PN20By+5j54FO6/X7y0IVcoUgKdYIvP5NGILRyo+tlWP6dJKFeuxT7lU3FV6W7J7DQs/2yjwH1naBmulxWp22+wNopJ1loW9PHtsJzlN0kUp1Up/+pwHvr7bVbZBzXSZZ5V7j+Xi7uh0de8GYckg0ATJTvrB5c1KZaG9p2unhyMlVAyDfNez3LtgUERnd7S1YXxz8JwbyWlEodzKO/dcnA1PkzcPECEbeXQJtxdhXuz+8pVqIAkDejCv4bhZVUtC4beeQFjxTrqKewxMNpTKKCacIWEBLrCUzr4y15qy7ziRU8CPvFkaUYBkPSWIOp2Xv7FOBwlEhR8d5P6P2eJ7P1vbYVB1vvrYgo0Z4pQkaM02E2/YgSoEfpWsgrSNS+9W0aQtAxcIg6ilY4ZcY83xAmwa8W7uILygqqK0Q7m+UiirIePMWXJ3r9MNkpHHlEr+WebFQYYNhOqVDJ5oX1+KKZY91bJl0ozqUvy4KSlBPO8="
        "on_success": "never",
        "on_failure": "always"
  "jobs": {
    "include": [
        "stage": "test",
        "name": "lint",
        "python": "3.11",
        "env": [
            "TOXENV": "check"
        "stage": "test",
        "name": "docs",
        "python": "3.11",
        "env": [
            "TOXENV": "docs"
        "stage": "test",
        "name": "build standalone",
        "python": "3.11",
        "install": [
          "docker --version",
          "chmod +x ci/"
        "script": [
        "before_deploy": [
          "export APP_VERSION=\"$(grep \"version =\" setup.cfg | sed 's/^.*= //')\"",
          "export APP_NAME=\"watchmaker\"",
          "export STAGING_DIR=\".pyinstaller/dist\"",
          "export SATS_SLUG=\"plus3it/watchmaker\"",
          "export SATS_TAG=\"$APP_VERSION\"",
          "export SATS_COMMITTISH=\"$TRAVIS_COMMIT\"",
          "export SATS_BODY=\"$(echo -e '* ['$APP_NAME' v'$APP_VERSION' CHANGELOG]('$APP_NAME'/blob/'$APP_VERSION'/\\n* ['$APP_NAME' v'$APP_VERSION' SCAP REPORTS]('$APP_VERSION'/scans/)')\"",
          "export SATS_REL_NAME=\"Release v$APP_VERSION\"",
          "export SATS_FILES_FILE=\".pyinstaller/satsuki-files.json\"",
          "echo Tag name is \"$SATS_TAG\"",
          "pip install -r requirements/deploy.txt",
          "echo Deploying \"$(grep 'version = ' setup.cfg)\""
        "after_deploy": [
          "echo Deployed \"$(grep 'version = ' setup.cfg)\""
        "deploy": [
            "provider": "script",
            "script": "satsuki",
            "skip_cleanup": true,
            "on": {
              "branch": [
              "condition": [
                "\"$PRIOR_VERSION\" != \"$RELEASE_VERSION\""
            "provider": "s3",
            "bucket": "$DEV_BUCKET",
            "upload_dir": "$S3_KEYFIX",
            "local_dir": "$STAGING_DIR",
            "skip_cleanup": true,
            "on": {
              "branch": [
            "provider": "s3",
            "bucket": "$RELEASE_BUCKET",
            "upload_dir": "$S3_KEYFIX",
            "local_dir": "$STAGING_DIR",
            "skip_cleanup": true,
            "on": {
              "tags": true
            "provider": "script",
            "script": "bash ci/ $CODEBUILD_PROJECT s3://$DEV_BUCKET/$S3_KEYFIX/$APP_VERSION/scans",
            "skip_cleanup": true,
            "on": {
              "branch": [
            "provider": "script",
            "script": "bash ci/ $CODEBUILD_PROJECT s3://$RELEASE_BUCKET/$S3_KEYFIX/$APP_VERSION/scans",
            "skip_cleanup": true,
            "on": {
              "tags": true
        "stage": "deploy",
        "name": "deploy to pypi",
        "if": "type != pull_request AND (branch = main OR tag is present)",
        "python": "3.11",
        "install": [
        "script": [
        "before_deploy": [
          "echo Deploying \"$(grep 'version = ' setup.cfg)\""
        "after_deploy": [
          "echo Deployed \"$(grep 'version = ' setup.cfg)\""
        "deploy": [
            "provider": "pypi",
            "server": "",
            "distributions": "sdist bdist_wheel",
            "username": "__token__",
            "password": "$PYPI_TEST_PASSWORD",
            "skip_cleanup": true,
            "skip_upload_docs": true,
            "on": {
              "branch": [
            "provider": "pypi",
            "distributions": "sdist bdist_wheel",
            "username": "__token__",
            "password": "$PYPI_PASSWORD",
            "skip_cleanup": true,
            "skip_upload_docs": true,
            "on": {
              "tags": true