A curated list of awesome astrophysical simulation software
Code | Description | Lang. | Repo | Paper |
Arepo | Massively parallel moving Voronoi mesh cosmological simulation code. | |||
Athena++ | Radiation GRMHD code and adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) framework. | |||
Castro | Adaptive mesh, rad/mhd/hydro simulation code for massively parallel CPU and GPU architectures. | |||
ChaNGa | Charm N-body Gravity solver and SPH. | |||
Cholla | GPU-based hydro code. | |||
Dedalus | Flexible framework for solving PDEs with modern spectral methods. | |||
Einstein Toolkit | Community computational infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. | |||
Enzo | Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code for Astrophysics. | |||
FLASH | Adaptive Mesh Hydrodynamics Code for Modeling Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes. | |||
Gadget | Parallel cosmological N-body and SPH code. | |||
GAMER | GPU-accelerated Adaptive Mesh Refinement code for astrophysics. | |||
Gizmo | Flexible, massively-parallel, multi-physics simulation code. | |||
MAESTROeX | Massively parallel low Mach number stellar hydrodynamics code. | |||
Nyx | Adaptive mesh, cosmological hydrodynamics simulation code. | |||
Pencil | High-order finite-difference code for compressible hydrodynamic flows with magnetic fields and particles. | |||
PHANTOM | Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics code for astrophysics. | |||
PLUTO | Code targeting high Mach number flows in astrophysical fluid dynamics. | |||
QUOKKA | First two-moment AMR radiation hydrodynamics on GPUs for astrophysics. | |||
RAMSES | Code to model astrophysical systems, featuring self-gravitating, magnetized, compressible, radiative fluid flows. | |||
REBOUND | Open-source multi-purpose N-body code. | |||
SWIFT | Modern highly-parallel gravity and smoothed particle hydrodynamics solver for astrophysical and cosmological applications. | |||
TARDIS | Fast 1D spectral code for supernovae with a vibrant community focused on training. |
Code | Finite Difference | Finite Volume | Finite Element | Spectral | SPH | N-body | Eulerian | ALE | Lagrangian | AMR |
Arepo | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
Athena++ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
Castro | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
ChaNGa | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
Cholla | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | ||||||||
Dedalus | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | ||||||||
Einstein Toolkit | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | ||||||
Enzo | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
FLASH | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
Gadget | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
GAMER | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
Gizmo | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
MAESTROeX | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
Nyx | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
Pencil | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | ||||||||
PLUTO | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️ | ||||||
PHANTOM | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
QUOKKA | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | ️️️️️️️️🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
RAMSES | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | ||||||
REBOUND | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||||
SWIFT | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |||||||
TARDIS | 🟩️️️️️ |
Code | Hydrodynamics | MHD | Radiation | Self-Gravity | General-Relativity |
Arepo | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |
Athena++ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ |
Castro | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |
ChaNGa | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |||
Cholla | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | ||
Dedalus | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | ||
Einstein Toolkit | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |
Enzo | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |
FLASH | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |
Gadget | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |||
GAMER | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | |
Gizmo | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |
MAESTROeX | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |
Nyx | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |
Pencil | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | ||
PLUTO | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |||
PHANTOM | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |||
QUOKKA | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ | ||
RAMSES | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |
REBOUND | 🟩️ | ||||
SWIFT | 🟩️ | 🟩️ | |||
TARDIS | 🟩️ |
Code | MPI | GPU |
Arepo | 🟩️️️️️ | |
Athena++ | 🟩️️️️️ | |
Castro | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ |
ChaNGa | 🟩️️️️️ | |
Cholla | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ |
Dedalus | 🟩️ | |
Einstein Toolkit | 🟩️ | |
Enzo | 🟩️ | |
FLASH | 🟩️ | |
Gadget | 🟩️ | |
GAMER | 🟩️️️️️ | 🟩️️️️️ |
Gizmo | 🟩️ | |
MAESTROeX | 🟩️ | 🟩️ |
Nyx | 🟩️ | 🟩️ |
Pencil | 🟩️ | |
PLUTO | 🟩️️️️️ | |
PHANTOM | 🟩️ | |
QUOKKA | 🟩️ | 🟩️ |
RAMSES | 🟩️ | |
REBOUND | 🟩️ | |
SWIFT | 🟩️ | |
TARDIS | 🟩️ |
Contributions to the list are welcome! Contributing guidelines can be found in CONTRIBUTING.md