JSON parser written in Lurk
Let's say there's Alice and Bob. Both know a poseidon hash
$J$ is a valid JSON. -
$J$ contains$V$ under the path$P$ .
Copy and paste put-it-all-together.lurk into clutch.
Currently the proof verification can be done in seconds. But the proof generation takes hours. Possible optimizations might be:
- Hide only values. Make keys of an object public. This approach makes the proving significantly faster at the expense of privacy, according to Chainlink Blog.
- simdjson style parallelization. This approach needs Lurk to support parallel proving upstream.
I need a better testing framework for Lurk.
CLI command to generate a proof / verify a proof would be nice.
According to an audit, the commitment scheme used in Nova, a dependency of Lurk, is not completely hiding. I'm no cryptography expert but I guess we can't use this repository in production until this issue gets resolved.