This BOSH release and deployment manifest deploy a cluster of wondershaper.
This repository includes base manifests and operator files. They can be used for initial deployments and subsequently used for updating your deployments:
export BOSH_ENVIRONMENT=<bosh-alias>
export BOSH_DEPLOYMENT=wondershaper
git clone
bosh deploy wondershaper-boshrelease/manifests/wondershaper.yml
If your BOSH does not have Credhub/Config Server, then remember --vars-store
to allow generation of passwords and certificates.
When new versions of wondershaper-boshrelease
are released the manifests/wondershaper.yml
file will be updated. This means you can easily git pull
and bosh deploy
to upgrade.
export BOSH_ENVIRONMENT=<bosh-alias>
export BOSH_DEPLOYMENT=wondershaper
cd wondershaper-boshrelease
git pull
cd -
bosh deploy wondershaper-boshrelease/manifests/wondershaper.yml