Release 1.13.3
139 commits
to devel
since this release
Summary of Changes
This is a bugfix release.
Security Fixes
- GH #4496 Upgrade bundled libexpat to 2.6.2
Features, Enhancements and Third Party Updates
- GH #4488 Add Poco::Util::Timer::idle() method to check if timer has any tasks scheduled
- GH #3807 DNS.resolve() should not be sorted in HostEntry::removeDuplicates()
- GH #4515 Upgrade bundled SQLite to 3.45.2
- PR #4517 Optimize Net module for Android
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- GH #4505 ODBC Unicode wrappers do not check for null length pointers
- GH #4492 Poco::BasicMemoryStreamBuf is missing seekpos()
- GH #4486 DateTimeFormat RFC1036 Sunday name is short (should be long)
- GH #4468 Poco::URI: don't lowercase host part if it's a Unix domain socket
- GH #4450 Error between Poco::ActiveRecord and Poco::Data::PostgreSQL
- GH #4435 SecureStreamSocket is not thread-safe
- GH #4415 SecureSocketImpl::reset shouldn't close socket
- GH #3857 Thread_POSIX.cpp shouldn't convert thread IDs to long
- GH #3725 secure socket receiveTimeout throwing after configured timeout * 2