The WordPress Plugin allows you to automatically submit your blog posts to Once you install and configure it, every time you post a new blog entry it will automatically be posted through's API to the Network.
The Official WordPress Plugin can be found here:
Go to the releases section of the repository and download the most recent release.
Then, from your WordPress administration panel, go to Plugins > Add New
and click the Upload Plugin
button at the top of the page.
You will need Phing and Git installed to build from source. To complete the following steps, you will need to open a command line terminal.
Clone the Github repository:
git clone
From within the checked out repository, run:
phing package
The packaged zip file will be available under the build directory which is created under your locally cloned git repository.
From your WordPress administration panel go to Plugins > Installed Plugins
and scroll down until you find
. You will need to activate it first, then click on Settings
to configure it.
This field will be used to set the author
field on the Claim that is written to the Network. Set it to your name, pen name, blog's name, etc.
The URL of the API, which is:
You will need an API token, which you can obtain here:
Use this checkbox to enable or disable automatic posting.
Place the shortcode [poet-badge]
anywhere in your article to display the Badge as proof that the article was timestamped on the Network and anchored to the Bitcoin blockchain.
The WordPress plugin welcomes additions from developers. To ensure code is consistent and that all developers can focus on building great features rather than deciphering various coding styles, the WordPress Plugin adheres to the WordPress coding standards.
To ensure your code is formatted the WordPress way, you can run the PHP code sniffer using the WordPress coding ruleset. There are various ways to install both PHPCS and the WordPress coding ruleset, but the easiest method is to install it globally using Composer. Assuming you have Composer and PHPCS installed and available from the command line, run the following from a terminal (assuming you are on Linux or a *nix derivative):
You can run PHP CodeSniffer with composer run-script lint
and composer run-script clean
to automatically fix the style errors if possible.