patched to work with Fortisgate.
The revision hosted in this repository is 550
. The latest version can be found at http://svn.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/vpnc/trunk/.
Patch is here. Patch was original taken from Fortigate Ipsec Linux Networkmanager
Please read the source before blindly executing a shell script: quick-setup.sh.
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/hekar/vpnc-fortisgate/master/setup.sh)"
sudo dnf install -y libgcrypt-devel gnutls-devel
[email protected]:hekar/vpnc-fortisgate.git
cd vpnc-fortisgate/vpnc
Optionally it can also be installed. This is not recommended, as it will overwrite the vpnc client provided by your distribution and may not connect to other vpn providers. It is recommended that you save this patched version in /opt
or elsewhere.
sudo make install
If installed, you run this in the same manner you would run the standard vpnc
(usually through NetworkManager.)
Not being a fan of NetworkManager, I prefer to run vpnc
from the shell.
- Create a configuration file and save it in your home directory "~/.vpnc-default":
IPSec gateway my.vpn.gateway
IPSec ID my.ipsec.id
IPSec secret mysecret
- Start vpnc with the correct configuration file
sudo ./vpnc/vpnc ~/.vpnc-default
Disconnect using
sudo ./vpnc/vpnc-disconnect
orkill -9 <PID>
Add to $PATH
Tulio Munhoz - JustDailyNotes for the patch.