Display and update sorted information about FoundationDB processes
npm install -g fdbtop
fdbtop --help
fdbtop -i 10 -- -C fdb.cluster --tls_certificate_file cert
ssh foo "fdbcli --exec 'status json'" | fdbtop
You can use '<' and '>' to change the sort column. Press ESC or CRTL-C to exit. Can be used in non-interactive mode if you pipe an fdb status json to it. Arguments that come after '--' will be passed to the fdbcli. IOPS are mesured in thousands, network in mbps.
<ip> port cpu% mem% iops net class roles
------------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ----- -------------------- -------------------- 4500 5 3 6 2 cluster_controller cluster_controller
4501 84 6 6 143 transaction log
4504 1 2 6 0 proxy
4505 87 3 6 182 proxy proxy
4506 0 3 6 0 resolution
4507 27 2 6 9 master master
------------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ----- -------------------- -------------------- 4500 58 6 4 91 transaction log
4501 1 2 4 0 proxy
4504 58 3 4 116 proxy proxy
4505 58 3 4 117 proxy proxy
4506 38 4 4 34 resolution resolver
4507 0 2 4 0 master
------------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ----- -------------------- -------------------- 4500 83 16 33 46 storage storage
4501 0 2 33 0 proxy
4503 92 18 33 78 storage storage
4504 45 3 33 102 proxy proxy
4505 0 2 33 0 proxy
4506 25 3 33 30 resolution resolver
4507 0 2 33 0 master
------------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ----- -------------------- -------------------- 4500 96 17 22 76 storage storage
4501 79 3 22 166 proxy proxy
4503 98 16 22 75 storage storage
4504 0 2 22 0 proxy